I currently have multiple excel spreadhsheets that look like this:
The table is a questionnaire with answers from column C-F, C is the "worst" (letter N as in Not good), D the "second worst" (letter T), E the second best (letter W) and F the best (letter G as in Good).
To the right of this table are sentences that I copy to another Spreadsheet using an existing module, depending on where the "x" in the questionnaire is set (it always copies the sentence 9 rows to the right of the "x").
Now I want to modify my existing code to not just copy all the sentences from every row, but only copy 5 for each Worksheet. These 5 should be either the 5 "best" answers (5 from column F, meaning Good as answer in questionnaire, if there are less than 5 in that column then take the rest from column E until you have 5) or the 6 "worst" answers, meaning 5 from column C(letter N as in not good) and if there are less than 5 "X" in that column take the rest from column D (letter T). This way I want to copy the 5 best or worst answers for each Worksheet. The decision if the best or worst answers should be copied depends on one simple Cell Value (Cell K6) in each Worksheet. If K6 >70% take the best answers, if K6 is under 70%, take the worst answers.
This is my current module to copy all the answers to my new worksheet:
I hope you can help me, any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
Edit - Expected Results:
If K6 is over 70% - find the 5 best answers (1st priority column F, if there are 5 "x" in column F, find those Cells and copy the value 9 rows to the right to the new sheet.
So if the questionnaire looks like this:
The pasted table should look like this:
And if the questionnaire is under 70%, do the same but for the worst (Column C & D, C being the worst, if there are not 5 "x" in C then take the rest from D (second worst))
Hope this helps
Thank you so much
The table is a questionnaire with answers from column C-F, C is the "worst" (letter N as in Not good), D the "second worst" (letter T), E the second best (letter W) and F the best (letter G as in Good).
To the right of this table are sentences that I copy to another Spreadsheet using an existing module, depending on where the "x" in the questionnaire is set (it always copies the sentence 9 rows to the right of the "x").
Now I want to modify my existing code to not just copy all the sentences from every row, but only copy 5 for each Worksheet. These 5 should be either the 5 "best" answers (5 from column F, meaning Good as answer in questionnaire, if there are less than 5 in that column then take the rest from column E until you have 5) or the 6 "worst" answers, meaning 5 from column C(letter N as in not good) and if there are less than 5 "X" in that column take the rest from column D (letter T). This way I want to copy the 5 best or worst answers for each Worksheet. The decision if the best or worst answers should be copied depends on one simple Cell Value (Cell K6) in each Worksheet. If K6 >70% take the best answers, if K6 is under 70%, take the worst answers.
This is my current module to copy all the answers to my new worksheet:
VBA Code:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lr As Integer 'lastrow
Dim SpaltenIndex As Integer
Dim SheetNummer As Integer
Dim cl As Range 'cell
Dim rw As Range 'row
Dim Antwortrange As String
Dim WrkSht As Worksheet
Dim WrkShtCol As Sheets
'Create Destination Sheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Handlungsempfehlungen"
'Set Questionnaire Answer Range to search through
Antwortrange = "C11:F400"
'ColumnIndex and SheetNumber
SpaltenIndex = 1
SheetNummer = 1
'Create Worksheet Collection with all the Questionnaire-Sheets
Set WrkShtCol = Worksheets(Array("AM AD - Anforderungsdefinition", "AM AA - Anforderunganalyse", "AM - Anforderungsdokumentation", "AM AV - Anforderungsvalidierung", "TM IT - Initiierung Test", "TM ZD - Zieldefinition", "TM TV - Testvorgehen", "TM TOB - Testobjektabgrenzung", "TM AS - Aufwandsschätzung", "TM TP - Testplanung", "TM TP - Testplanung", "TM TA - Testauftrag", "TM TS - Teststeuerung", "TM AO - Aufbauorganisation", "TM RM - Risikomanagement", "TM MI - Managementinformation", "TM AF - Abnahme Freigabe", "TM AT - Abschluss Test", "DT IT - Installationstest", "DT ST - Sicherheitstest", "OTP DT - Dokumententest", "OTP MT - Modultest", "OTP MIT - Modulintegrationstest", "OTP OO KT - OO Klassentest", "OTP OO KIT - OO Klassenintgrate", "OTP FT - Funktionstest", "OTP FIT - Funktionsintgratiotes", "OTP PIT - Produktintegratest", "OTP AT - Abnahmetest", "OTP ET - Ergonomietest", "OTP LPT - Last & Performance", "OTP GPT - Geschäftsprozesstest", "TUP TMK -Testumg Module Klassen", _
"TUP TUF - Testumgebung Funktion", "TUP TP - Testumgebung Prozesse", "ATP KM Konfigurationsmanagement", "ATP FAEM - Fehler Änderungs", "ATP DS - Datensicherheit", "ATP DSCH - Datenschutz", "ATP TEV -Testergebnisverwaltung", "ATP VG - Vertragsgestaltung"))
'MAIN LOOP: Take all sentences 9 rows to the right of each X in each Questionnaire and paste the value to the newly created sheet from above
For Each WrkSht In WrkShtCol
For Each rw In WrkSht.Range(Antwortrange).Rows
For Each cl In rw.Cells
lr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, SpaltenIndex).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
If lr = 2 And ws.Range("A1") = "" And lr < 500 Then lr = 1
'If lr = 2 And ws.Range("A2") = "" Then lr = 1
If LCase(cl.Value) = "x" Then
cl.Offset(0, 9).Copy Sheets("Handlungsempfehlungen").Cells(lr, SpaltenIndex)
End If
Next cl
Next rw
'If 1st row is empty in destination sheet, delete and shift rest up
If Sheets("Handlungsempfehlungen").Cells(1, SpaltenIndex) = "" Then Sheets("Handlungsempfehlungen").Cells(1, SpaltenIndex).Delete Shift:=xlUp
'WrkShtCol(1).range("A2").Copy Worksheets("Handlungsempfehlungen").Cell(lr, SpaltenIndex)
Sheets("Handlungsempfehlungen").Cells(35, SpaltenIndex).Value = WrkShtCol(SheetNummer).Cells(2, 1)
SpaltenIndex = SpaltenIndex + 1
SheetNummer = SheetNummer + 1
End Sub
I hope you can help me, any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
Edit - Expected Results:
If K6 is over 70% - find the 5 best answers (1st priority column F, if there are 5 "x" in column F, find those Cells and copy the value 9 rows to the right to the new sheet.
So if the questionnaire looks like this:
The pasted table should look like this:
And if the questionnaire is under 70%, do the same but for the worst (Column C & D, C being the worst, if there are not 5 "x" in C then take the rest from D (second worst))
Hope this helps
Thank you so much