I have written a procedure in VB that goes through a column and sorts it. The content and size of this column changes daily when the report is run. The problem arises when there is nothing in this column. When there is nothing in the column I get 'Error code 9'. Is there anyway of adding a bit in my code that does some thing like:
if A2 = "" Then
exit sub
resume next
end if
I have tried this but it doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I have written a procedure in VB that goes through a column and sorts it. The content and size of this column changes daily when the report is run. The problem arises when there is nothing in this column. When there is nothing in the column I get 'Error code 9'. Is there anyway of adding a bit in my code that does some thing like:
if A2 = "" Then
exit sub
resume next
end if
I have tried this but it doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.