Hello everyone,
Could someone help me with the plotting of bar and line graphs given an arrays of x and y values in VBA? I want to plot the rDateRange and rOEERange. Thank you
Could someone help me with the plotting of bar and line graphs given an arrays of x and y values in VBA? I want to plot the rDateRange and rOEERange. Thank you
Dim rInitialDate As Range, rFinalDate As Range, rDateRange As Range, Calculation As Worksheet
With Worksheets("Calculation")
Set rInitialDate = .UsedRange.Find(What:=DateValue(InitialDate), After:=.Cells(1, 4), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, SearchFormat:=False)
Set rFinalDate = .UsedRange.Find(What:=DateValue(FinalDate), After:=.Cells(1, 4), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchFormat:=False)
If rInitialDate Is Nothing Or rFinalDate Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Not able to find both dates."
Exit Sub
Set rDateRange = .Range(rInitialDate, rFinalDate)
End If
End With
Dim startRow As Integer, endRow As Integer, rDateRangeIndex As Integer, rOEERange As Range
startRow = rInitialDate.Row
endRow = rFinalDate.Row
With Worksheets("Calculation")
Set startOEECell = .Cells(startRow, 45)
Set endOEECell = .Cells(endRow, 45)
Set rOEERange = .Range(startOEECell, endOEECell)
End With
'to create new Range to reflect MC,Shift,Date
With Worksheets("Calculation")
For i = startRow To endRow Step 1
If Cells(i, 7) Is Not MC.Value Or Cells(i, 6) Is Not Shift.Value _
Or DateValue(rDateRange(i - (startRow - 1))) < DateValue(InitialDate) _
Or DateValue(rDateRange(i - (startRow - 1))) > DateValue(FinalDate) Then
rDateRange(i - (startRow - 1)).Delete
rOEERange(i - (startRow - 1)).Delete
End If
Next i
End With