The very best learning tool is the Excel macro recorder. Most of my projects still start here.
Following that, next best learning tools are MrExcel combined with the Excel VBA Help and googling the Internet.
You can use these resources to automate the things that you do on a day to day basis. If you need other examples to practice on, see if you can answer some of the questions that appear here. See what answers are given. If there is no answer it does not necessarily mean that there is none. Many questions are badly written. Often, if they include code, there is too much to wade through or it does not include comments. Keep things simple to start with and build from there. You can, of course, post a message if you become stuck at any time.
You will see that I have written nearly 5,000 messages here. Only about 2 were actually questions. This is not because I am particularly clever, only that I use the resources suggested.