The following Sub asks the user to select a generic template to open, then asks the user to select a source file (to populate the template). The source file is contains a number of worksheets and pivot tables. The sub then selects data from a pivot table and copies it into the template.
I need the source file to be a variable vs. a hard coded pivot table source bc this title changes based on the users selection.
Problem: when the data is copied it only shows REF! instead of the actual data (even when the data is present).
I need the source file to be a variable vs. a hard coded pivot table source bc this title changes based on the users selection.
Problem: when the data is copied it only shows REF! instead of the actual data (even when the data is present).
'Open Generic Report to populate with data
Dim GenericFolderLocation As String
MsgBox "Please select the generic porfolio template..."
GenericFolderLocation = "C:\Users\\Desktop"
ChDrive GenericFolderLocation
SelectedFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
fileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", MultiSelect:=False)
Workbooks.Open (SelectedFile)
Set test = ActiveWorkbook
Dim SourceFolderLocation As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim SourceFile As String
MsgBox "Please select the data source file..."
SourceFolderLocation = "C\Users\\Desktop"
ChDrive SourceFolderLocation
SourceFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
fileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", MultiSelect:=False)
Workbooks.Open (SourceFile)
Set wkbk = ActiveWorkbook
'Select empty cell in Chart template
'Populate with pivot table data from sourceFile
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=GETPIVOTDATA("" Value"",'[wkbk]ActCost_PIVOT'!R3C1,""Team"",""Field1"",""Row Descrption"",""Row1"",""Type"",""DataPoint1"")"
Repeat for next cell
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=GETPIVOTDATA("" Value"",'[wkbk]CRActCost_PIVOT'!R3C1,""Team"",""Field1"",""Row Descrption"",""Row1"",""Type"",""DataPoint2"")"