I am after a VBA code that will fill in data for the 'Location' Column. The value of this data to be filled in will pick from the 'Manufacturing method' offset value.
If the 'Location' value is blank I want to search the 'Manufacturing method' column to find the value 'Assembled-House' once this value is found I want the use the 'Location' value offset of the Assembled-House to fill in the cells that are blank until Assembled-House value is found again.
So if done correctly the macro would fill in the blank values for the first Assembled-house group as '10', the second group have no blanks so these would be ignored and the third group blanks as '3 > G > 8'
I have the below Code which is very basic and will fill data based on the value above it however that isn't always correct to the group it needs to pick from
Thank you for the help!
I am after a VBA code that will fill in data for the 'Location' Column. The value of this data to be filled in will pick from the 'Manufacturing method' offset value.
If the 'Location' value is blank I want to search the 'Manufacturing method' column to find the value 'Assembled-House' once this value is found I want the use the 'Location' value offset of the Assembled-House to fill in the cells that are blank until Assembled-House value is found again.
So if done correctly the macro would fill in the blank values for the first Assembled-house group as '10', the second group have no blanks so these would be ignored and the third group blanks as '3 > G > 8'
I have the below Code which is very basic and will fill data based on the value above it however that isn't always correct to the group it needs to pick from
Thank you for the help!
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub Location_Fill()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("I2:I" & Cells(Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row)
'adds location flow to any blank cells
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*JP Bench*" Then c.Value = "JP Bench"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*JP*" Then c.Value = "Jig & Press"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*10.1*" Then c.Value = "F > 10.1"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*10.2*" Then c.Value = "F > 10.2"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*10.3*" Then c.Value = "F > 10.3"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*10*" Then c.Value = "F > 10"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*1*" Then c.Value = "F > 1"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*2*" Then c.Value = "F > 2"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*3*" Then c.Value = "F > 3"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*4*" Then c.Value = "F > 4"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*5*" Then c.Value = "F > 5"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*6*" Then c.Value = "F > 6"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*7*" Then c.Value = "F > 7"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*8*" Then c.Value = "F > 8"
If c.Value < 1 And c.Offset(-1, 0) Like "*9*" Then c.Value = "F > 9"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub