Done some searching and sheet is not protected as others have had the issue with - its just being created as a new workbook.
So this is part of a word macro I am updating that I wrote before, but inside the macro I call the Excel creation function. The goal is I want to create an excel workbook that has all the comments in it. I've done this when word extracted to another word document fine, but this time the client needs an excel sheet for the comments. I can create a workbook, do all the headings, formatting etc. but when I get to create a listBox for an area, it complains with an Error 1004 and I don't know why. I'm sure its somethign obvious and I am just not seeing it.
You just need top see the last Range command below, but I put everything in so you can see what it is doing beforehand that works.
Done some searching and sheet is not protected as others have had the issue with - its just being created as a new workbook.
So this is part of a word macro I am updating that I wrote before, but inside the macro I call the Excel creation function. The goal is I want to create an excel workbook that has all the comments in it. I've done this when word extracted to another word document fine, but this time the client needs an excel sheet for the comments. I can create a workbook, do all the headings, formatting etc. but when I get to create a listBox for an area, it complains with an Error 1004 and I don't know why. I'm sure its somethign obvious and I am just not seeing it.
You just need top see the last Range command below, but I put everything in so you can see what it is doing beforehand that works.
'Create New Excel Workbook
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set cwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
'Insert table headings
With objExcel
.ActiveSheet.Name = "Comments"
'Create merged cell headings
'Create merged cells values
.Range("A1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Range("K1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Range("P1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
' Centre merged cells
.Range("A1").Value = "Reviewer to complete (Stage 1)"
.Range("K1").Value = "Author to complete (End of Stage 1)"
.Range("P1").Value = "Reviewer to complete (Stage 2)"
'Create secondary headings
.Range("A2").Value = "Date"
.Range("B2").Value = "Reviewed Version"
.Range("C2").Value = "Ref"
.Range("D2").Value = "Section"
.Range("E2").Value = "Page"
.Range("F2").Value = "Referenced Quote/Context"
.Range("G2").Value = "Comment"
.Range("H2").Value = "Reviewer Name"
.Range("I2").Value = "Organisation"
.Range("J2").Value = "Content or Format comment"
.Range("K2").Value = "Accept/Reject/Defer"
.Range("L2").Value = "Author Response/Comment"
.Range("M2").Value = "Author Initials"
.Range("N2").Value = "Update complete"
.Range("O2").Value = "Updated in version"
.Range("P2").Value = "Reviewer response"
.Range("Q2").Value = "Resolved to review satisfaction?"
.Range("R2").Value = "Status - Open/Closed"
'Set colours for Cells
.Range("A1:J2").Interior.ColorIndex = 40
.Range("K1:O2").Interior.Color = RGB(204, 255, 204)
.Range("P1:Q2").Interior.ColorIndex = 40
.Range("R1:R2").Interior.ColorIndex = 1
'Set Text to White for specific cell
.Range("R1:R2").Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'Bold Text
.Range("A1:R2").Font.Bold = True
'set border around cells
.Range("A1:R500").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Columns("A:R").WrapText = True
'Ensure Col F and G are reasonable size
.Columns("A:B").ColumnWidth = 10
.Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 7
.Columns("D").ColumnWidth = 20
.Columns("E").ColumnWidth = 10
.Columns("F:G").ColumnWidth = 60
.Columns("H").ColumnWidth = 16
.Columns("I").ColumnWidth = 12
.Columns("J").ColumnWidth = 10
.Columns("K:L").ColumnWidth = 20
.Columns("M").ColumnWidth = 7
.Columns("N:O").ColumnWidth = 8
.Columns("P").ColumnWidth = 30
.Columns("Q").ColumnWidth = 12
.Columns("R").ColumnWidth = 14
.Range("K3:K500").Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Formula1:="Accept,Reject,Defer"
End With
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