Jeff the ERA
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- Joined
- Aug 20, 2013
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Good afternoon everyone!
I would like to thank you kind people on this site for being so influencial in my own learning. I am a newer VBA user and am just amazed at the kind of work that it can streamline.
I'm running on Windows 7: Excel 2010.
I've been fighting this problem for about two weeks now and I feel I have exhausted my Googling efforts.
What I'm trying to do is to make a macro button that pulls up a UserForm and has one
TextBox (txtDateReq) and one Command button (cmdGenerateLog). When I type in a date (M/D/YYYY format) in the textbox and press the Command Button, I would like to do the
following tasks:
Data is listed in the table Below
[TABLE="width: 500, align: center"]
[TD]Date Requested[/TD]
[TD]Job Number[/TD]
[TD]Work Location[/TD]
[TD]Employee Number[/TD]
[TD]8/8/2013 (Cell A2)[/TD]
[TD]10 (Cell B2)[/TD]
[TD]House (Cell C2)[/TD]
[TD]1 (Cell D2)[/TD]
[TD]A (Cell E2)[/TD]
Sheets("DailyLog") or NewWorkbook.Sheets("DailyLog")
[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD](Cell A3)[/TD]
[TD]Date Requested:[/TD]
[TD]____ (Cell C3)[/TD]
[TD]Job Number[/TD]
[TD]Work Location[/TD]
[TD]Employee Number[/TD]
[TD](Cell B6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell C6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell D6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell E6)[/TD]
1. Search Column "A" and match the date from the textbox to the value of the cell.
Note: The actual spreadsheet is over 500 entries with about 30 entries per day.
2. If the value of the cell in Column "A" = the TextBox value (.txtDateReq), I would like
to copy items from the same row, in the Columns "B, C, D, & E" to a Template File I have saved called "DailyLog."
Note: I did not set up my sample spreadsheet to show this, so I will post my code
here and adjust it as nessisary.
3. I would like it to put the value of the Textbox entry into cell "C3."
4. I would like it to add ALL values that match the textbox entry to the next available
line on the "DailyLog" sheet.
5. I would perfer to use VLookup unless someone can help me with the coding an Index/Match case.
The reason I would perfer VLookup is because I will eventually use OptionButtons on the userform to generate different Logs based on different information in the "DispatchLog" master excel file (eg. Reports for Work location, for employee numbers, for tasks...) With VLookup, All I would need to change in the code to pull the information I need would be to add a new textbox and change VLookup(txtdatereq) to VLookup (txtWorkLoc) (And yes, I do know that VLookup is limited to searching items from the first column of the range, hence why I'm open to learning more about Index/Match cases)
My code follows:
I've been Frankenstining code as I go along, but this one has me baffled. I have tried
various different methods of Copy.EntireRow and limiting the range but all it seems to do
is copy every value even if I have an "If txtDateReq = ... then" condition.
Below are additional codes that I've tried to use but have garnered similar undesired
results and errors:
Below Copies all data but with the correct Ranges, If statement still copies all data
Doesn't copy anything
States that it cannot find the value
This forum has been a very useful resource for me in learning by example, I hope you will
be able to help me out with this.
Thank you! (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to attach my vba sample file)
I would like to thank you kind people on this site for being so influencial in my own learning. I am a newer VBA user and am just amazed at the kind of work that it can streamline.
I'm running on Windows 7: Excel 2010.
I've been fighting this problem for about two weeks now and I feel I have exhausted my Googling efforts.
What I'm trying to do is to make a macro button that pulls up a UserForm and has one
TextBox (txtDateReq) and one Command button (cmdGenerateLog). When I type in a date (M/D/YYYY format) in the textbox and press the Command Button, I would like to do the
following tasks:
Data is listed in the table Below
[TABLE="width: 500, align: center"]
[TD]Date Requested[/TD]
[TD]Job Number[/TD]
[TD]Work Location[/TD]
[TD]Employee Number[/TD]
[TD]8/8/2013 (Cell A2)[/TD]
[TD]10 (Cell B2)[/TD]
[TD]House (Cell C2)[/TD]
[TD]1 (Cell D2)[/TD]
[TD]A (Cell E2)[/TD]
Sheets("DailyLog") or NewWorkbook.Sheets("DailyLog")
[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD](Cell A3)[/TD]
[TD]Date Requested:[/TD]
[TD]____ (Cell C3)[/TD]
[TD]Job Number[/TD]
[TD]Work Location[/TD]
[TD]Employee Number[/TD]
[TD](Cell B6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell C6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell D6)[/TD]
[TD](Cell E6)[/TD]
1. Search Column "A" and match the date from the textbox to the value of the cell.
Note: The actual spreadsheet is over 500 entries with about 30 entries per day.
2. If the value of the cell in Column "A" = the TextBox value (.txtDateReq), I would like
to copy items from the same row, in the Columns "B, C, D, & E" to a Template File I have saved called "DailyLog."
Note: I did not set up my sample spreadsheet to show this, so I will post my code
here and adjust it as nessisary.
3. I would like it to put the value of the Textbox entry into cell "C3."
4. I would like it to add ALL values that match the textbox entry to the next available
line on the "DailyLog" sheet.
5. I would perfer to use VLookup unless someone can help me with the coding an Index/Match case.
The reason I would perfer VLookup is because I will eventually use OptionButtons on the userform to generate different Logs based on different information in the "DispatchLog" master excel file (eg. Reports for Work location, for employee numbers, for tasks...) With VLookup, All I would need to change in the code to pull the information I need would be to add a new textbox and change VLookup(txtdatereq) to VLookup (txtWorkLoc) (And yes, I do know that VLookup is limited to searching items from the first column of the range, hence why I'm open to learning more about Index/Match cases)
My code follows:
Private Sub cmdGenerateLog_Click()
Dim WB As Workbook, SH As Worksheet, FN As String
Set WB = Workbooks.Open("\\Desktop\Project_Reporting.xlsx")
Set SH = WB.Sheets("DailyLog")
'save to: location'
FP = "\\Desktop\Daily_Reports\"
'save as: DT_Job #_Date of Inspection_Inspector_Inspection Type'
FN = "DR_" & Format(txtDateReq.Value, "mm-dd-yy")
For Rw = 1 To lastrow
'write information into [boxed] cell'
SH.[B6] = Format(Me.txtDateReq.Value, "mm-dd-yy") 'Puts Date Requested On Log as
SH.[A & rw] = Application.VLookup((Me.txtDateReq), Worksheets("DispatchLog"), Range(B4,
R1500), 4, False)
SH.[B & rw] = Application.VLookup((Me.txtDateReq), Worksheets("DispatchLog"), Range(B4,
R1500), 5, False)
SH.[C & rw] = Application.VLookup((Me.txtDateReq), Worksheets("DispatchLog"), Range(B4,
R1500), 4, False)
SH.[D & rw] = Application.VLookup((Me.txtDateReq), Worksheets("DispatchLog"), Range(B4,
R1500), 4, False)
Next Rw
WB.SaveAs FP & FN, xlExcel7 ' save new workbook to location w/
custom name as Excel7 format'
WB.Close ' close workbook
Me.Hide ' closes Form box'
End Sub
I've been Frankenstining code as I go along, but this one has me baffled. I have tried
various different methods of Copy.EntireRow and limiting the range but all it seems to do
is copy every value even if I have an "If txtDateReq = ... then" condition.
Below are additional codes that I've tried to use but have garnered similar undesired
results and errors:
Below Copies all data but with the correct Ranges, If statement still copies all data
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'This works at copying selected range values. Incorporate this data
'Into a previous range copy method.
'Note, Row H gets added as well, possibly fix
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer, k As Integer
Dim ws1LR As Long, ws2LR As Long
Set ws1 = Sheets("Dispatch Log")
Set ws2 = Sheets("DailyLog")
ws1LR = ws1.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
ws2LR = ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
i = 2
k = ws2LR
Do Until i = ws1LR
With ws1
.Range(.Cells(i, 5), .Cells(i, 9)).Copy
End With
With ws2
.Cells(k, 1).PasteSpecial
.Cells(k, 1).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
End With
k = k + 2
i = i + 1
End Sub
Doesn't copy anything
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim srcrow As Integer
Dim dstrow As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
srcrow = 1
dstrow = 1
While (Sheets("Dispatch Log").Range("A" & srcrow).Value <> "")
If (Sheets("Dispatch Log").Range("B" & srcrow).Value = txtDateReq) Then
Range("E" & srcrow & ":I" & srcrow).Copy
Range("A" & dstrow).Select
Sheets("Dispatch Log").Select
dstrow = dstrow + 1
End If
srcrow = srcrow + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
States that it cannot find the value
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim Rw As Long, myVAL As String
myVAL = Me.txtDateReq
On Error Resume Next
Rw = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(myVAL, Sheets("Dispatch Log").Range("B:B"), 0)
On Error GoTo 0
If Rw = 0 Then
MsgBox "The search value '" & myVAL & "' was not found"
Exit Sub
End If
'MsgBox "The search value '" & myVAL & "' was found on row: " & Rw
With Sheets("Formatted")
.Range("B3").Value = Sheets("DailyLog").Range("A" & Rw).Value 'name
.Range("B4").Value = Sheets("DailyLog").Range("B" & Rw).Value 'address
.Range("C3").Value = Sheets("DailyLog").Range("C" & Rw).Value 'phone
End With
End Sub
This forum has been a very useful resource for me in learning by example, I hope you will
be able to help me out with this.
Thank you! (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to attach my vba sample file)