Thanks for providing the code. Although the macro recorder can be great for getting a start with your code and something that does work, it can also be rather 'clumsy' code.
Mostly with recorded code you will see a lot of '.Select ...' and 'Selection. ...'. Whilst that generally works, you rarely need to actually select things in Excel to work with them and selecting can also slow your code considerably. So, after you record your code it is a good idea to see if you can remove most or all of the 'selections'
A good example in your code is this type of structure where the recorder gives you
VBA Code:
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("G10:G27"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Commonly you can remove the Select and the Selection and combine those two lines into one like this
Rich (BB code):
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("G10:G27"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("G10").AutoFill Destination:=Range("G10:G27"), Type:=xlFillDefault
If you are interested though, all of the lines in your procedure can actually be condensed to a single line since you can enter all the formulas at once rather than entering one and then filling down.
VBA Code:
Sub GFormula_v2()
Range("G10:G27").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-5]="""","""",IF(OR(RC[-5]=""LABOR - CU"",RC[-5]=""TRVL - CU""),""HOURS"",""EACH""))"
End Sub