This is new to the terms may not always be correct. I have a list in a column in excel 2010. This list is in the thousands. Let's say that the list is in C1 and runs to C4036 each of the numbers are different too. Each of these numbers represent a electonic component number in our wearhouse. Now in the production floor there are monitors and each time a repair is needed the monitor displays a repair process. These process are word documents. What I need to do is have a VBA code search the world doc and be able to go to the file folder in our network and find the folder that stores these word documents and have the excel list search all the different section of the word documents for any of the component numbers that are listed in the excel list. I then need the code to be able to return to me a list of all the locations, the file name, the paragraph, line that the excel number may be located in the word document and if not show a "0" if the number in the excel column is not in the word document.