Is there a way to get excel to calculate the closest percent for dice rolls for set percentage for example if you roll 3 6 sided dice here is the percentage for each roll.
3 = 0.46%
4 = 1.38%
5 = 2.77%
6 = 4.62%
7 = 6.92%
8 = 9.72%
9 = 11.57%
10 = 12.50%
11 = 12.50%
12 = 11.57%
13 = 9.72%
14 = 6.92%
15 = 4.62%
16 = 2.77%
17 = 1.38%
18 = 0.46%
now i want to have 9 different types and have different percentage for each to represent each R
1R 14.38%
2R 6.25%
3R 1.00%
4R 1.88%
5R 6.25%
6R 1.00%
7R 1.00%
8R 13.13%
9R 54.13%
now i would like excel to figure the best combo to get the closest for each dice roll example
3 3R
4 7R
5 9R
6 9R
7 5R
8 1R
9 8R
10 9R
11 9R
12 9R
13 9R
14 2R
15 1R
16 4R
17 8R
18 6R
I want to be able to change the percentage for 1r to 9r and excel updates to show the closest way to match the percentage
Is there a way to get excel to calculate the closest percent for dice rolls for set percentage for example if you roll 3 6 sided dice here is the percentage for each roll.
3 = 0.46%
4 = 1.38%
5 = 2.77%
6 = 4.62%
7 = 6.92%
8 = 9.72%
9 = 11.57%
10 = 12.50%
11 = 12.50%
12 = 11.57%
13 = 9.72%
14 = 6.92%
15 = 4.62%
16 = 2.77%
17 = 1.38%
18 = 0.46%
now i want to have 9 different types and have different percentage for each to represent each R
1R 14.38%
2R 6.25%
3R 1.00%
4R 1.88%
5R 6.25%
6R 1.00%
7R 1.00%
8R 13.13%
9R 54.13%
now i would like excel to figure the best combo to get the closest for each dice roll example
3 3R
4 7R
5 9R
6 9R
7 5R
8 1R
9 8R
10 9R
11 9R
12 9R
13 9R
14 2R
15 1R
16 4R
17 8R
18 6R
I want to be able to change the percentage for 1r to 9r and excel updates to show the closest way to match the percentage