Chapter 3 of "Rev Up to Excel 2010" by Bill Jelen is about the new Excel 2010 Protected Mode. In this podcast, you will learn how to use Protected Mode to review a suspicious workbook before opening the workbook for editing.
Transcript of the video:
This Excel podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.
Rev up to Excel 2010, Chapter 3, Protected Mode Hey! Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
We are going through the Rev up to Excel 2010 Book.
Chapter 3 is about Protected Mode.
If you have a question for the podcast you can shoot us them,
Protected Mode is an interesting, new thing in Excel 2010.
If you open a file that originated from the internet or originated in an Email.
Check this out!
Protected View.
This file might be unsafe. Now, before, they used to say hey are you sure you want to open this?
Well this is really cool.
They've now opened this file in, let's call it a Sandbox, which allows me to go through each tab.
See what's there. I could even go back to the developer Tab and look to see in Visual Basic if there's any Macros now, there aren't in this particular one.
So, that's not necessarily an issue but you get to see exactly what's in The Workbook before you actually have an ability for it to do anything bad.
Now, if you decide, okay, well this is harmless. I know who sent this to me, it came from Mike, you know, let's just Enable Editing, then it reopens and you have full access to Protected Mode.
Great, great new feature in Excel 2010 to protect you from people who are trying to do something malicious to your computer.
Rev up to Excel 2010, Chapter 3, Protected Mode Hey! Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
We are going through the Rev up to Excel 2010 Book.
Chapter 3 is about Protected Mode.
If you have a question for the podcast you can shoot us them,
Protected Mode is an interesting, new thing in Excel 2010.
If you open a file that originated from the internet or originated in an Email.
Check this out!
Protected View.
This file might be unsafe. Now, before, they used to say hey are you sure you want to open this?
Well this is really cool.
They've now opened this file in, let's call it a Sandbox, which allows me to go through each tab.
See what's there. I could even go back to the developer Tab and look to see in Visual Basic if there's any Macros now, there aren't in this particular one.
So, that's not necessarily an issue but you get to see exactly what's in The Workbook before you actually have an ability for it to do anything bad.
Now, if you decide, okay, well this is harmless. I know who sent this to me, it came from Mike, you know, let's just Enable Editing, then it reopens and you have full access to Protected Mode.
Great, great new feature in Excel 2010 to protect you from people who are trying to do something malicious to your computer.