I have the PowerShell Script. If anyone can help me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Here's the PowerShell Script, it works with Excel. I'm getting a error message and need to know if anyone can help me fix it, thanks.
The script is made to log into your twitter account and extract your friends in Excel. Any help is appreciated.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(”twitter.com") | Out-Null
$userName = "username"
$password = "password"
Function Get-TwitterFriends {
param ($userName, $password, $ID)
if ($WebClient -eq $null) {$Global:WebClient=new-object System.Net.WebClient }
$WebClient.Credentials = (New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential -argumentList $username, $password)
$page = 1
$Friends = @()
if ($ID) {$URL="http://twitter.com/#!/$ID.xml?page=/followers"}
else {$URL="http://twitter.com/statuses/friends.xml?page="}
do { $Friends += (([xml]($WebClient.DownloadString($url+$Page))).users.user )
$Page ++
} while ($Friends.count -eq 100)
function out-excel {
param ([string[]]$property,[switch]$raw)
begin {
# start Excel and open a new workbook
$Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
$Excel.visible = $True
$Excel = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
$Sheet = $Excel.Worksheets.Item(1)
# initialize our row counter and create an empty hashtable
# which will hold our column headers
$Row = 1
$HeaderHash = @{}
process {
if ($_ -eq $null) {return}
if ($Row -eq 1) {
# when we see the first object, we need to build our header table
if (-not $property) {
# if we haven’t been provided a list of properties,
# we’ll build one from the object’s properties
if ($raw) {
$_.properties.PropertyNames | %{$property+=@($_)}
} else {
$_.PsObject.get_properties() | % {$property += @($_.Name.ToString())}
$Column = 1
foreach ($header in $property) {
# iterate through the property list and load the headers into the first row
# also build a hash table so we can retrieve the correct column number
# when we process each object
$HeaderHash[$header] = $Column
$Sheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Column) = $header.toupper()
$Column ++
# set some formatting values for the first row
$WorkBook = $Sheet.UsedRange
$WorkBook.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
$WorkBook.Font.ColorIndex = 11
$WorkBook.Font.Bold = $True
$WorkBook.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Row ++
foreach ($header in $property) {
# now for each object we can just enumerate the headers, find the matching property
# and load the data into the correct cell in the current row.
# this way we don’t have to worry about missing properties
# or the “ordering” of the properties
if ($thisColumn = $HeaderHash[$header]) {
if ($raw) {
$Sheet.Cells.Item($Row,$thisColumn) = [string]$_.properties.$header
} else {
$Sheet.Cells.Item($Row,$thisColumn) = [string]$_.$header
end {
# now just resize the columns and we’re finished
if ($Row -gt 1) { [void]$WorkBook.EntireColumn.AutoFit() }
Get-TwitterFriends $userName $password | select name,screen_Name,url | out-excel