Hi everyone,
I have a macro that works in word but would like it to work like this:
1) Individual opens excel sheet and runs macro to be created.
2) Macro prompts user to input folder path, and then "*" so that it searches an entire folder of documents
3) Macro then opens word documents within folder, runs the word macro that I have already created, saves the word doc, then closes and moves to the next word doc.
I have a working excel macro that searches through excel workbooks, highlights words from a predefined list, saves and closes the workbook, then moves to the next in the folder and repeats.
I also have a word version of this macro but it does not have the capability to be run externally, in that it cannot be run on multiple word documents in a folder.
My goal is to be able to click a button in excel with a macro assigned, the macro prompts user for a folder path and document ("*" works for all), then the macro opens those documents and runs a second macro (the word one I have created), then save the doc and move to the next.
Here is the excel macro I have:
Here is the word macro that I have:
Thank you!!!
I have a macro that works in word but would like it to work like this:
1) Individual opens excel sheet and runs macro to be created.
2) Macro prompts user to input folder path, and then "*" so that it searches an entire folder of documents
3) Macro then opens word documents within folder, runs the word macro that I have already created, saves the word doc, then closes and moves to the next word doc.
I have a working excel macro that searches through excel workbooks, highlights words from a predefined list, saves and closes the workbook, then moves to the next in the folder and repeats.
I also have a word version of this macro but it does not have the capability to be run externally, in that it cannot be run on multiple word documents in a folder.
My goal is to be able to click a button in excel with a macro assigned, the macro prompts user for a folder path and document ("*" works for all), then the macro opens those documents and runs a second macro (the word one I have created), then save the doc and move to the next.
Here is the excel macro I have:
Sub AmbiguityCheck()
Dim Path As String
Dim File As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim Wkb As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheet
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Path = Application.InputBox("Enter full path name") & "\"
File = Application.InputBox("Enter file name")
FileName = Dir(Path & File, vbNormal)
Do Until FileName = ""
Set Wkb = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=Path & "\" & FileName)
For Each WS In Wkb.Worksheets
Dim fnd, r As Range, i&, wrd
word_list1 = Array("above", "below", "it", "such", "the previous", "them", "these", "they", "this", "those", "all", "any", "appropriate", "custom", "efficient", "every", "few", "frequent", "improved", "infrequent", "intuitive", "invalid", "many", "most", "normal", "orginary", "rare", "same", "some", "the complete", "the entire", "transparent", "typical", "usual", "standard", "valid", "accordingly", "almost", "approximately", "by and large", "commonly", "customarily", "efficiently", "frequently", "generally", "hardly ever", "in general", "seamless", "several", "infrequently", "intuitively", "just about", "more often than not", "more or less", "mostly", "nearly", "normally", "not quite", "often", "on the odd occasion", "ordinarily", "rarely", "roughly", "seamlessly", "seldom", "similarily", "sometime", "somewhat", "transparently", "typically", "usually", "the application", "the component", "the date", "the database", "derive", "the field", "determine", "edit", "the file", "the frame", "enable")
word_list2 = Array("the information", "improve", "the message", "indicate", "the module", "the page", "manipulate", "match", "the rule", "maximize", "the screen", "may", "the status", "might", "minimize", "the system", "the table", "modify", "the value", "optimize", "the window", "perform", "adjust", "process", "produce", "provide", "alter", "amend", "calculate", "support", "update", "validate", "verify", "change", "compare", "compute", "convert", "create", "customize")
word_list = Split(Join(word_list1, Chr(1)) & Chr(1) & Join(word_list2, Chr(1)), Chr(1))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True: .IgnoreCase = True
For Each wrd In word_list
.Pattern = "\b" & wrd & "\b"
For Each r In WS.Range("A1:G40").Cells
If .Test(r) Then
With .Execute(r)
For i = 0 To .Count - 1
With r.Characters(.Item(i).FirstIndex + 1, .Item(i).Length).Font
.Bold = True: .Color = vbRed
End With
End With
End If
Next r
Next wrd
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Next WS
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
FileName = Dir()
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here is the word macro that I have:
Sub ambiguitycheckword() Dim oRng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim word_list1 As Variant
Dim word_list2 As Variant
Dim word_list As Variant
word_list1 = Array("above", "below", "it", "such", "the previous", "them", "these", "they", "this", "those", "all", "any", "appropriate", "custom", "efficient", "every", "few", "frequent", "improved", "infrequent", "intuitive", "invalid", "many", "most", "normal", "orginary", "rare", "same", "some", "the complete", "the entire", "transparent", "typical", "usual", "standard", "valid", "accordingly", "almost", "approximately", "by and large", "commonly", "customarily", "efficiently", "frequently", "generally", "hardly ever", "in general", "seamless", "several", "infrequently", "intuitively", "just about", "more often than not", "more or less", "mostly", "nearly", "normally", "not quite", "often", "on the odd occasion", "ordinarily", "rarely", "roughly", "seamlessly", "seldom", "similarily", "sometime", "somewhat", "transparently", "typically", "usually", "the application", "the component", "the date", "the database", "derive", "the field", "determine", "edit", "the file", "the frame", "enable")
word_list2 = Array("the information", "improve", "the message", "indicate", "the module", "the page", "manipulate", "match", "the rule", "maximize", "the screen", "may", "the status", "might", "minimize", "the system", "the table", "modify", "the value", "optimize", "the window", "perform", "adjust", "process", "produce", "provide", "alter", "amend", "calculate", "support", "update", "validate", "verify", "change", "compare", "compute", "convert", "create", "customize")
word_list = Split(Join(word_list1, Chr(1)) & Chr(1) & Join(word_list2, Chr(1)), Chr(1))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 0 To UBound(word_list)
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRng.Find
Do While .Execute(FindText:=word_list(i), MatchWholeWord:=True)
oRng.Font.Bold = True
oRng.Font.Color = wdColorRed
oRng.Collapse 0
End With
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Thank you!!!