I am looking to write a macro to have in my Personal Macro Workbook that will be able to be activated and run a series of Find/Replace's both on the worksheets of any Spreadsheet I have open and within the VBA of any macros inside that spreadsheet. The worksheets part of this is easy, but I cannot find a way to do it to the Visual Basic Editor, and trying to record the macro seems to not pick up anything done in VBA. I do not care if the code is clever enough to go through every VBA module or it needs to go "module1", "module2" and so on and run the find/replaces for each module seperately (because I guarantee that none of them are named otherwise); but so far, I have not been able to find anything that works and does an automatic find/replace in Excel VBA.
If it helps as an example, I am looking to change any reference in the VBA of "" to "/"
I have found something online about using VBINDE to change constants; but I haven't been able to modify it to change text as above.
If it helps as an example, I am looking to change any reference in the VBA of "" to "/"
I have found something online about using VBINDE to change constants; but I haven't been able to modify it to change text as above.