To whom it may concern
Good Day
I have an excel work book with 10 sheets. In that work book 1 to 5 rows are header. I would like to search a Value, Variable or Date as I required. If it found then all rows should copy to a new work book. I need button for run macro. Program should ask what I need to search for. If I put a date macro should search all workbook if found all result should copy to a new workbook. Can any one give a solution for this. <!-- / message --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig --><!-- END TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig -->
Good Day
I have an excel work book with 10 sheets. In that work book 1 to 5 rows are header. I would like to search a Value, Variable or Date as I required. If it found then all rows should copy to a new work book. I need button for run macro. Program should ask what I need to search for. If I put a date macro should search all workbook if found all result should copy to a new workbook. Can any one give a solution for this. <!-- / message --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig --><!-- END TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig -->