Excel Macro Help


New Member
Sep 30, 2019

I am trying to import a .txt file into excel but only have certain contents of the file extracted into excel and placed into the proper table.

This is the code I have right now. But after picking the file to import, nothing happens.

Any help will be helpful! Thanks! -DeMan21

Sub TextFile_PullData()
'PURPOSE: Send All Data From Text File To A String Variable

Dim TextFile As Integer
Dim filePath As String
Dim FileContent As String
Dim cursor As Long
Dim RunNo As String
Dim PC1Titer As String
Dim PC2Titer As String

Dim PL1VC As String
Dim PL1CC As String

Dim PL2VC As String
Dim PL2CC As String

Dim PL3VC As String
Dim PL3CC As String

Dim PL4VC As String
Dim PL4CC As String

Dim PL5VC As String
Dim PL5CC As String

Dim PL6VC As String
Dim PL6CC As String

Dim PL7VC As String
Dim PL7CC As String

Dim PL8VC As String
Dim PL8CC As String

Dim PL9VC As String
Dim PL9CC As String

Dim PL10VC As String
Dim PL10CC As String

Dim PL11VC As String
Dim PL11CC As String

Dim PL12VC As String
Dim PL12CC As String

Dim PL13VC As String
Dim PL13CC As String

Dim PL14VC As String
Dim PL14CC As String

Dim PL15VC As String
Dim PL15CC As String

Dim PL16VC As String
Dim PL16CC As String

Dim PL17VC As String
Dim PL17CC As String

Dim PL18VC As String
Dim PL18CC As String

Dim PL19VC As String
Dim PL19CC As String

Dim PL20VC As String
Dim PL20CC As String

Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long

On Error Resume Next

'File Path of Text File
filePath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If filePath = "False" Then Exit Sub
FileContent = Module1.ReadTextFileAsString(filePath)

'Search through filecontents and extract data
cursor = 1
Debug.Print (FileContent)
RunNo = Module1.returnStringValue("Run#: ", FileContent, "Sample", cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Group: PC1", FileContent)
PC1Titer = Module1.returnStringValue("MN Titer=" & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Group: PC2", FileContent)
PC2Titer = Module1.returnStringValue("MN Titer=" & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 1 VC =", FileContent)
PL1VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 1 CC =", FileContent)
PL1CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 2 VC =", FileContent)
PL2VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 2 CC =", FileContent)
PL2CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 3 VC =", FileContent)
PL3VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 3 CC =", FileContent)
PL3CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 4 VC =", FileContent)
PL4VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 4 CC =", FileContent)
PL4CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 5 VC =", FileContent)
PL5VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 5 CC =", FileContent)
PL5CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 6 VC =", FileContent)
PL6VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 6 CC =", FileContent)
PL6CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 7 VC =", FileContent)
PL7VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 7 CC =", FileContent)
PL7CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 8 VC =", FileContent)
PL8VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 8 CC =", FileContent)
PL8CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 9 VC =", FileContent)
PL9VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 9 CC =", FileContent)
PL9CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 10 VC =", FileContent)
PL10VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 10 CC =", FileContent)
PL10CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 11 VC =", FileContent)
PL11VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 11 CC =", FileContent)
PL11CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 12 VC =", FileContent)
PL12VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 12 CC =", FileContent)
PL12CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 13 VC =", FileContent)
PL13VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 13 CC =", FileContent)
PL13CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 14 VC =", FileContent)
PL14VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 14 CC =", FileContent)
PL14CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 15 VC =", FileContent)
PL15VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 15 CC =", FileContent)
PL15CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 16 VC =", FileContent)
PL16VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 16 CC =", FileContent)
PL16CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 17 VC =", FileContent)
PL17VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 17 CC =", FileContent)
PL17CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 18 VC =", FileContent)
PL18VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 18 CC =", FileContent)
PL18CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 19 VC =", FileContent)
PL19VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 19 CC =", FileContent)
PL19CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 20 VC =", FileContent)
PL20VC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)

cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate 20 CC =", FileContent)
PL20CC = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)


'Find the RunNo on this worksheet and populate data
With Me
    For i = 10 To 1000
        If .Cells(i, 1).Value = RunNo Then ' This is the file's run number row
            .Cells(i, 29) = PC1Titer
            .Cells(i, 30) = PC2Titer
            .Cells(i, 31) = PL1VC
            .Cells(i, 32) = PL1CC
            .Cells(i, 33) = PL2VC
            .Cells(i, 34) = PL2CC
            .Cells(i, 35) = PL3VC
            .Cells(i, 36) = PL3CC
            .Cells(i, 37) = PL4VC
            .Cells(i, 38) = PL4CC
            .Cells(i, 39) = PL5VC
            .Cells(i, 40) = PL5CC
            .Cells(i, 41) = PL6VC
            .Cells(i, 42) = PL6CC
            .Cells(i, 43) = PL7VC
            .Cells(i, 44) = PL7CC
            .Cells(i, 45) = PL8VC
            .Cells(i, 46) = PL8CC
            .Cells(i, 47) = PL9VC
            .Cells(i, 48) = PL9CC
            .Cells(i, 49) = PL10VC
            .Cells(i, 50) = PL10CC
            .Cells(i, 51) = PL11VC
            .Cells(i, 52) = PL11CC
            .Cells(i, 53) = PL12VC
            .Cells(i, 54) = PL12CC
            .Cells(i, 55) = PL13VC
            .Cells(i, 56) = PL13CC
            .Cells(i, 57) = PL14VC
            .Cells(i, 58) = PL14CC
            .Cells(i, 59) = PL15VC
            .Cells(i, 60) = PL15CC
            .Cells(i, 61) = PL16VC
            .Cells(i, 62) = PL16CC
            .Cells(i, 63) = PL17VC
            .Cells(i, 64) = PL17CC
            .Cells(i, 65) = PL18VC
            .Cells(i, 66) = PL18CC
            .Cells(i, 67) = PL19VC
            .Cells(i, 68) = PL19CC
            .Cells(i, 69) = PL20VC
            .Cells(i, 70) = PL20CC
        End If
    Next i
End With

End Sub
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Welcome to the Forum!

But after picking the file to import, nothing happens.

There are many reasons why your code may appear to be doing nothing. A couple of suggestions to start with:

1. Get rid of the On Error Resume Next. It's dangerous to turn off error handling like this - your code could be erroring anywhere, so you can't have any confidence in the results.

2. Put in some breakpoints. See which parts of the code execute, and which don't, and test why. Is it possible, for example, that your code appears to be doing nothing because you set RunNo as a string but you test it against numerical values?

By the way, your code would be much more succinct if you used arrays, e.g. you could replace 40 variables with two arrays:

Dim PLVC(1 To 20) As String, PLCC(1 To 20) As String


For i = 1 To 20
    cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate " & i & " VC =", FileContent)
    PLVC(i) = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageVC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)
    cursor = moveCursor(cursor, "Plate " & i & " CC =", FileContent)
    PLCC(i) = Module1.returnStringValue("AverageCC" & Chr(9) & Chr(9), FileContent, , cursor)
Next i
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