re screen captures
I would assume by screen captures that you mean capturing an image of the screen as a jpg for each different window that appears while you start your excel worksheet that needs the macros to run.
These dialog panels are proably very similar except for the language contained within them.
I would make a note of what each screen contains in Portuguese or Spanish,
then with the security settings at the levels that baulk at opening macros, have an image manipulation program running in the background and while opening the spreadsheet, click on the PrintScreen button at the top of your keyboard, unless its a laptop when it could be anywhere, and go into the image program and go Edit, Paste.
Then switch back to Excel and move on to the next screen, and press PrintScreen again until you have all the screen captures you need, each time doing Edit, Paste in your image program.
Then with all your captured images trim or crop any superfluous areas from around the dialog windows that you want to show in your manual.
Hope this helps