I want Excel file to open straight into a combo box, and cannot work out how to do this.
The aim is for a hyperlink from our Intranet to open Excel file then all the user has to do is to type a few letters within the combo box to bring up the correct option from the list (thus displaying [in nearby cells] data linked to this row elsewhere on the sheet) (uses linked cell [to combo box] + formulae such as =INDEX($H$2:$L$261, MATCH(G3,$H$2:$H$261,), MATCH(J2,$I$2:$L$2,)) to display the linked data.
All of this is working perfectly (took me ages to work out how to do this) - BUT whatever I try - cannot get the file to open with the cursor flashing within the combo box - can do the cell behind but not actually within the box.
I know you can move mouse & click on the combo box but I have a very very varied IT skill base within our staff - some find even this hard! In convincing people that IT can supplant bits of paper stuck to the wall it is good to have 100% hassle free operation to avoid carping.
anyone have any suggestions?
thanks - Julian (Excel version 2000 9.0.3821)
The aim is for a hyperlink from our Intranet to open Excel file then all the user has to do is to type a few letters within the combo box to bring up the correct option from the list (thus displaying [in nearby cells] data linked to this row elsewhere on the sheet) (uses linked cell [to combo box] + formulae such as =INDEX($H$2:$L$261, MATCH(G3,$H$2:$H$261,), MATCH(J2,$I$2:$L$2,)) to display the linked data.
All of this is working perfectly (took me ages to work out how to do this) - BUT whatever I try - cannot get the file to open with the cursor flashing within the combo box - can do the cell behind but not actually within the box.
I know you can move mouse & click on the combo box but I have a very very varied IT skill base within our staff - some find even this hard! In convincing people that IT can supplant bits of paper stuck to the wall it is good to have 100% hassle free operation to avoid carping.
anyone have any suggestions?
thanks - Julian (Excel version 2000 9.0.3821)