Excel crashes without error messages after this subroutine is completed.


Board Regular
Nov 18, 2016
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Dear friends, once again I need your valuable help.
My project (started on March '23) is growing up day by day becoming quite complex.
On friday I noticed a bug making Excel crashing (and sometime restarting). The bug is not trapped by VBA debugger: when I run the code step by step it does not happens!

Long story short, when my code does a copy paste operation on a row, from a template sheet to a working sheet, it correctly complete the routine but after a few seconds Excel suddenly crashes without any error message. The issue seems to be related with the last Case Else block of the routine below, but I cant point out any error.

I already restarted in safe mode to save a copy of xlsm file but the error still remains.

What could I do to remove this annoying bug?

Thanks in advance.

VBA Code:
Sub SK_doaction(azione As String, descrizione, chiamante, Optional testodescrittivo = "")
    'Faccio le opportune verifiche e se su quella riga è permessa l'azione, la compio.
    'azione identifica l'azione da fare: (option, group, brow, delete, copy, move, riga scomm.)
    'testodescrittivo: usato per evitare gli inputbox

    'VERIFICO che la selezione è editabile.
    If Not SK_chkedit(azione) Then Exit Sub
    'VERIFICO se è una multiselezione e se è valida
    Dim multiselezione As Boolean
    multiselezione = False
    If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 Then
        multiselezione = True
        If SK_isspecialrowselected(Selection) Then
            MsgBox "Special rows cannot be included into the selection." & vbCrLf & "Please try again."
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    'VERIFICO che su quella selezione è permessa l'azione
    If Not SK_chkaction(azione, multiselezione) Then Exit Sub
    'COMPIO l'azione (option, group, brow, delete, copy, move, riga scomm.)
    Dim risposta As String
    Select Case azione
    Case "OPTION"                                       'Caso inserimento OPZIONE
        risposta = InputBox("Insert item description", "INFORMATION REQUEST")
        risposta = isunivoque(shSK.Name, SKC.desc, "Option: " & UCase(risposta))       'Verifico che la descrizione sia univoca.
        If risposta = "" Then
            MsgBox "This description already exists"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'inserisco l'opzione
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        Selection.Cells(1, SKC.desc).Offset(1, 0).Value = risposta
     Case "GROUP"                                       'Caso inserimento GRUPPO
        If testodescrittivo = "" Then                   '
            risposta = InputBox("Insert item description", "INFORMATION REQUEST")
            risposta = isunivoque(shSK.Name, SKC.desc, "Description: " & UCase(risposta))                           'Verifico che la descrizione sia univoca.
            If risposta = "" Then
                MsgBox "This description already exists"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            risposta = testodescrittivo
        End If
        'inserisco l'opzione
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        Selection.Cells(1, SKC.desc).Value = risposta

    Case "BROW"                                         'Caso inserimento RIGA VUOTA
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
    Case "DELETE", "CUT", "COPY", "INCLUDI OPZ", "ADDORDER"        'Casi DELETE, CUT, COPY: setto il range.
    Dim zona As LongLong            'limite opposto del range da eliminare
    Dim init_Sel As Long
    Dim destinazione As LongLong
    zona = 1                    'setto la zona a 1 riga

    init_Sel = Selection.Row    'memorizzo la selezione iniziale
        If Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = str_OPT Or Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = str_GRO Then
            risposta = MsgBox("You are going to work on an entire BLOCK. Are you sure?", vbYesNo, "ATTENTION!")
            If risposta = vbNo Then Exit Sub
        End If
        If Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = str_OPT Then
            zona = numriga(shSK.Name, str_EOP, SKC.scom, Selection.Row, xlNext) - Selection.Row + 1 'Caso inizio OPZIONE
        ElseIf Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = str_GRO Then
            zona = numriga(shSK.Name, str_EGR, SKC.scom, Selection.Row, xlNext) - Selection.Row + 1 'Caso inizio GRUPPO
        End If

        If azione = "DELETE" Then                       'CANCELLO la selezione
        ElseIf azione = "COPY" Then                     'COPIO la selezione
        ElseIf azione = "CUT" Then                      'TAGLIO la selezione
        ElseIf azione = "INCLUDI OPZ" Then              'INSERISCO UN OPZIONE IN CMS
            destinazione = numriga(shSK.Name, str_endCMS, SKC.scom, 1, xlNext) - 1
            Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
            Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.desc).Value = Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.desc).Value
        End If
    Case "PASTE"                                        'INCOLLO una parte precedentemente copiata o tagliata
        'Controllo che ci sia effettivamente un CUT o COPY attivo
        If Application.CutCopyMode = xlCopy Or Application.CutCopyMode = xlCut Then
            Dim contenuto As DataObject
            Dim testo As String, numlines As Long
            On Error Resume Next
            Set contenuto = New DataObject
            contenuto.GetFromClipboard                  'Carico il clipboard in contenuto
            testo = contenuto.GetText                   'Lo estraggo come righe di testo
            numlines = UBound(Split(testo, vbCrLf))     'Vedo quante righe sono
            If numlines > 1 Then                        'Se è più di una vedo se è un gruppo, un opzione o altro
                Select Case Left(Split(testo, vbCrLf)(0), 9)
                Case "INIOPTION"                        'Ho selezionato una OPZIONE non può stare dentro un'opzione o un gruppo
                    If isInside("OPT") Or isInside("GRO") Then
                        MsgBox "It is not possible to insert an Option inside another option or group."
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                Case "INIGROUP#"                        'Ho selezionato un GRUPPO non può stare dentro un gruppo
                    If isInside("GRO") Then
                        MsgBox "It is not possible to insert a Group inside another group.   "
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                Case Else                               'Ho selezionato più righe che non sono nè gruppo nè opzione
                    If Not isInside("CMS") And Not isInside("OPT") Then 'Sto cercando di copiare fuori da cms o opzione
                        MsgBox "It is not possible to paste this selection outside CMS or Option."
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Exit Sub
                    ElseIf InStr(testo, "#") <> 0 Then  'Ho trovato # (quindi una riga speciale)
                        MsgBox "It is not possible to paste this selection because it contains special rows."
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                End Select
            End If
            Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown                  'Se non ci sono controindicazioni INSERISCO
        End If

        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Case Else                                           'Caso inserimento RIGA ITEM STANDARD
        Dim tiporiga As Integer
        tiporiga = shDEV_SCOM.Cells(numriga(shDEV_SCOM.Name, azione, 1, 5, xlNext), 12).Value2  'individuo il tipo di riga da inserire a seconda della Scomm
        If tiporiga = 1 Then
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTempl).Copy     'Riga normale
        ElseIf tiporiga = 43 Then
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTemp43).Copy    'Utilizzata per verniciatura
        ElseIf tiporiga = 62 Then
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTemp62).Copy    'Riga di PROGETTAZIONE "PR0000", "PR0005", "PR0010", "PR0015"
        ElseIf tiporiga = 63 Then
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTemp63).Copy    'Riga outsourcing
        ElseIf tiporiga = 107 Then
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTemp107).Copy   'Riga cantiere
            shDEV_Template.Rows(n_RwTempl).Copy     'altro non identificato (copio riga standard)
        End If
        If Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = str_BLA Then
            Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        End If
        Application.CutCopyMode = False     'test
        Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.scom).Value = azione  'inserisco la sottocommessa dalla lista
    End Select
    Cells(Selection.Row, SKC.desc).Select          'deseleziono l'intera riga
End Sub
I open the Excel log and those are the last log rows before crashing.
It does not mean nothing to me, but maybe someone can understand something:
Rich (BB code):
06/26/2023 08:54:46.550EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelReactNativeModule8b356MediumUninitialized ReactHostRegistry
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.FileIO.CollabML.FileActivityStoreReliability","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":305,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.554Z","Data.InitLibletQueued":true,"Data.InitVersionManagerQueued":false,"Data.PendingAppendsQuiesceSuccess":false,"Data.PendingAppendsBeforeQuiesce":1,"Data.PendingAppendsAfterQuiesce":1,"Data.TotalAppendQueued":1,"Data.TotalAppendCount":0,"Data.FailedAppendCount":0,"Data.FailedDiskFullAppendCount":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelResourceInfoLibletc7219MediumMso::ResourceInfo::ServerInfoStore::BeginUninit: Begin uninitializing server info store.
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelResourceInfoLibletcv8wfMediumMso::ResourceInfo::Cache::UninitGlobalCache: Start Uninitializing global cache
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelResourceInfoLibletcv8waMediumCache::WaitForMaintenance: Waiting for cache maintenance to complete if needed
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelNetcostbhh8wMediumState transition {"oldState":3,"newState":5,"transitionAllowed":true,"wasTransitioning":false}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelNetcostbfs2oMediumStopping network monitor
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelNetcostbfs2pMediumNetwork monitor stopped
06/26/2023 08:54:51.554EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelNetcostbhh8wMediumState transition {"oldState":5,"newState":6,"transitionAllowed":true,"wasTransitioning":false}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.564EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Telemetry.DynamicConfig.FetchConfigs","Flags":33777014401990913,"InternalSequenceNumber":306,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.564Z","Contract":"Office.System.Activity","Activity.CV":"K0DvA2GDJ025RUX+/FLq2A.1.69","Activity.Duration":7740,"Activity.Count":1,"Activity.AggMode":0,"Activity.Success":true,"Data.RejectedConfigsList":"","Data.ParsedConfigCount":37,"Data.RejectedConfigCount":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Telemetry.AriaEventSink.RequestMsaDeviceToken","Flags":33777014401991169,"InternalSequenceNumber":307,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Contract":"Office.System.Activity","Activity.CV":"K0DvA2GDJ025RUX+/FLq2A.1.70","Activity.Duration":2626,"Activity.Count":1,"Activity.AggMode":0,"Activity.Success":true,"Activity.Result.Code":0,"Activity.Result.Type":"HRESULT","Data.RetryCount":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Telemetry.FlushEventBuffer","Flags":33777014401991169,"InternalSequenceNumber":308,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Data.FirstPassCount":306,"Data.SecondPassCount":1}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Experimentation.FeatureQueryBatched","Flags":33777005812056321,"InternalSequenceNumber":309,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Data.Sequence":9,"Data.Count":32,"Data.Features":"[ { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.EnableDirectCallsForMetadata\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5039566Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 0.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Excel.OverrideShutdownWatchdog\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 3.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.FileIO.SavePromptShouldUninitModels2\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 9.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.FileIO.IntelligentLocalSmartSaveStage1Enabled\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.FileIO.ChangeGate.IsSavePromptMLPropertiesMapInFunction\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 7.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.AtBoxForceCleanupRefs\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Shared.TextPrediction.MasterSwitch\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"34\", \"Q\" : 3.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.SystemHealthMetadata.DisableEndSessionHeartbeat\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5351919Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 2.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Outlook.Pcx.LdapAndMapiShutdown\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"39\", \"Q\" : 4.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Outlook.Pcx.EnablePersonaJs\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"39\", \"Q\" : 0.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Outlook.Pcx.PersonaSpy\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 0.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Personalization.EnableFastInsightCacheManager\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 0, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Graphics.EnableAirspaceInkInput\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"39\", \"Q\" : 2.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.FileIO.ActivityStoreShutdownQuiesceMaxMsecs\", \"V\" : 5000, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:46.5508292Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 15.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.FileIO.FileActivityStoreCancelsQueueAtShutdown2\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5549576Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 7.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.CloseUtcReportingWatchHandle\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5549576Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 5.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.CCCOChangeGate\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.Sampling.InsidersSampling\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 6.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.UseOfflineStoragePrefix\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 0, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 7.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaOfflineStorageSizeInBytes\", \"V\" : 10485760, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 8.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaInMemoryQueueSizeInBytes\", \"V\" : 2097152, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaMaxHttpBlobSizeInBytes\", \"V\" : 262144, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaStatsIntervalInSeconds\", \"V\" : 0, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.UseRegionAwareConfigUrls\", \"V\" : true, \"S\" : 0, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.TestGate.EnableAriaSdkTraceLogging\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 0.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaMaxTeardownUploadTimeInSec\", \"V\" : 2, \"S\" : 0, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 0.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.MaxPendingHTTPRequests\", \"V\" : 4, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 4.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.MaxDBFlushQueues\", \"V\" : 10, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5640113Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.MsaDeviceAuthServiceUrl\", \"V\" : \"https://events.data.microsoft.com/OneCollector/1.0/\", \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5925453Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 7.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.MsaDeviceAuthPolicy\", \"V\" : \"NFS_1wk_compact_SSL\", \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5925453Z\", \"C\" : \"33\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52 }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.TestGate.DisableAriaUpload\", \"V\" : false, \"S\" : 11, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5925453Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 2.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" }, { \"ID\" : 1, \"N\" : \"Microsoft.Office.Telemetry.AriaCustomTransmitProfileInSecs\", \"V\" : 300, \"S\" : 1, \"P\" : 0, \"T\" : \"2023-06-26T08:54:51.5925453Z\", \"C\" : \"\", \"Q\" : 1.0, \"M\" : 0, \"F\" : 52, \"G\" : \"Opt\" } ]"}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.System.SystemHealthRollbackSessionMetadata","Flags":33777005812105217,"InternalSequenceNumber":310,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:46.535Z","Rule":"120119.0","Contract":"Office.Legacy.Metadata","Data.PreviousBuild":"16.0.16227.20258","Data.InstallMethod":2}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Telemetry.SamplingPolicy","Flags":33777022991925505,"InternalSequenceNumber":311,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.564Z","Rule":"90401.3","Contract":"Office.Legacy.Metadata","Data.SamplingMethod":"Unknown","Data.SamplingKey":"Unknown","Data.MeasuresEnabled":true}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Excel.LinkedEntitiesDiagnostic","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":312,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"180195.2","Data.GetFontIconErr":0,"Data.FontResourceErr":0,"Data.FontFileErr":0,"Data.FontFaceErr":0,"Data.DrawIconErr":0,"Data.ClassifierFailureOnCellCommit":0,"Data.ReqResultCultMismatch":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Outlook.Desktop.PcxOcom2ConnectionHealthStatistics","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":313,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"11369.1","Data.Ocom2IUCOfficeIntegrationFirstCallSuccessCount":0,"Data.Ocom2IUCOfficeIntegrationFirstCallFailedCount":0,"Data.Ocom2AppCrashCount":0,"Data.Ocom2AppSignOutCount":0,"Data.Ocom2AppSignInCount":0,"Data.Ocom2AppShutdownCount":0,"Data.IMProviderName":"Teams"}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Outlook.Desktop.PcxNUIPersonaHealth","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":314,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"11195.1","Data.Initialize_HR_Success_Count":1,"Data.Initialize_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.EnsureLayout_HR_Success_Count":1,"Data.EnsureLayout_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.UpdateMsoPersona_HR_Success_Count":0,"Data.UpdateMsoPersona_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.HrDoAction_HR_Success_Count":0,"Data.HrDoAction_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPhotoThreeLine_HR_Success_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPhotoThreeLine_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPhotoTwoLine_HR_Success_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPhotoTwoLine_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPawnName_HR_Success_Count":0,"Data.LayoutPawnName_HR_Fail_Count":0,"Data.UpdateMsoPersona_IMsoPersona_Null_Count":0,"Data.UpdateMsoPersona_IMsoIMManager_Null_Count":0,"Data.UpdateLayer_IMsoPersona_Null_Count":0,"Data.HrDoAction_IMsoPersona_Null_Count":0,"Data.HrDoAction_IMsoIMManager_Null_Count":0,"Data.Paint_IMsoPersona_WasNull_Count":0,"Data.Paint_IMsoPersona_Null_Count":0,"Data.CleanupMsoPersona_IMsoPersona_Null_Count":1}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Graphics.GvizPictureLoadTelemetry","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":315,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"170016.7","Data.PictureCount":2,"Data.OpenTime":"2023-06-26T08:54:41.038Z","Data.PictureCroppedStatus":0,"Data.PictureEffectsApplied":1,"Data.PictureIsSVG":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Graphics.SVGLoad","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":316,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"170061.5","Data.SVGCount":0}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Graphics.DelayCanvasInkInput","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":317,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"170137.0","Data.HitCount":3,"Data.DelayCreation":true}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Identity.IdentityWarningsAggregation","Flags":28147523457712385,"InternalSequenceNumber":318,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"63028.4","Data.EndTime":"2023-06-26T08:54:40.798Z","Data.Category":"Identity Authentication Client","Data.Tag":"bx8n0","Data.EventCount":35,"Data.FirstTimeStamp":"2023-06-26T08:54:40.517Z"}
06/26/2023 08:54:51.592EXCEL (0xBC4)0x37E8Microsoft ExcelTelemetry Eventb7vzqMediumSendEvent {"EventName":"Office.Identity.HttpAutoDRequests","Flags":28147506277843201,"InternalSequenceNumber":319,"Time":"2023-06-26T08:54:51.592Z","Rule":"65139.0","Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComBrVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComBrVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComCnVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComCnVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverEsVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverEsVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverFrVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverFrVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverInVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverInVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverItVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverItVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverSgVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverSgVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverUkVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverUkVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverXyzVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverXyzVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverOnlineVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverOnlineVar2":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComVar1":0,"Data.CountOfAutodiscoverComVar2":0}
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