For the excel Experts,
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE. I'm looking for a way to play with the buttons using colors (if at all possible). Here's an example of what I'm thinking:
Parameters: Game table is A1 to E10. (to keep things simple)
-Every cell is set to 1 of 6 random different colors; two of the same can exist next to another
-More than 6 colors can be used if its not to hard to program
-Add a reset button if at all possible
The Goal: by making every cell 1 of those 6 colors of your choosing.
How to Play: by selecting A1 (lets assume this cell is red) it turns adjecent cells (A2, B1) red. Cells diagonal to the selected cell change a different color, making it more difficult to complete.
-To make things easier (if needed), you can assign colors to each others if needed. By this I mean Red can be paired with Orange; Yellow with Green; Blue with Purple, etc...this way when I click A1, B2 will turn Orange. If I click B2, A1 will Turn Red. But this is just to make the game easier.
-If its possible to get complex with it, you can assign subsequent colors to others: Red to Orange; Orange to Yellow; Yellow to Green...etc.
If this doesn't seem possible, I at least got my idea out there. But what a brain teaser it would be to make a working product. If I'm missing any potential details, this idea is literally a rough draft.
Thanks guys!
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE. I'm looking for a way to play with the buttons using colors (if at all possible). Here's an example of what I'm thinking:
Parameters: Game table is A1 to E10. (to keep things simple)
-Every cell is set to 1 of 6 random different colors; two of the same can exist next to another
-More than 6 colors can be used if its not to hard to program
-Add a reset button if at all possible
The Goal: by making every cell 1 of those 6 colors of your choosing.
How to Play: by selecting A1 (lets assume this cell is red) it turns adjecent cells (A2, B1) red. Cells diagonal to the selected cell change a different color, making it more difficult to complete.
-To make things easier (if needed), you can assign colors to each others if needed. By this I mean Red can be paired with Orange; Yellow with Green; Blue with Purple, etc...this way when I click A1, B2 will turn Orange. If I click B2, A1 will Turn Red. But this is just to make the game easier.
-If its possible to get complex with it, you can assign subsequent colors to others: Red to Orange; Orange to Yellow; Yellow to Green...etc.
If this doesn't seem possible, I at least got my idea out there. But what a brain teaser it would be to make a working product. If I'm missing any potential details, this idea is literally a rough draft.
Thanks guys!