I have created a excel chart and I want it to show perecentage completion upward trend but as of November is it 33% complete and the line drops to zero and from Dec data is not available I have selected the range from Oct 18 to Sept 19 and as blank cells it goes to zero.
Is there a way to have the line stop at 33% and then when Dec data is fed it shows a trend?
I have seen charts made by others where after inputting data I go to a chart and hit the refresh key but In my screen I do not see it on the chart page
I use excel 2013.
Thank you for your help.
Is there a way to have the line stop at 33% and then when Dec data is fed it shows a trend?
I have seen charts made by others where after inputting data I go to a chart and hit the refresh key but In my screen I do not see it on the chart page
I use excel 2013.
Thank you for your help.