AMP, an Australian financial services firm, has built a retirement calculator on the web that made me hear a "klunk" sound when my jaw bounced off the ground.
It has a bar graph with a second Y axis. The second Y axis features a horizontal line with a spin button on the end that moves the horizontal line up and down. Can this even be done in Excel?
It also features customised scroll bars, which (as far as I know) can't be done in Excel.
Here is the website. Look upon its works, ye mighty, and despair:
Sometimes, what pushes us to be better Excel users is seeing something amazing, and wanting to know how to do it. Could this graph be produced in Excel? Or, to be really cutting edge spreadsheet developers, do we have to start mucking about in HTML?
AMP, an Australian financial services firm, has built a retirement calculator on the web that made me hear a "klunk" sound when my jaw bounced off the ground.
It has a bar graph with a second Y axis. The second Y axis features a horizontal line with a spin button on the end that moves the horizontal line up and down. Can this even be done in Excel?
It also features customised scroll bars, which (as far as I know) can't be done in Excel.
Here is the website. Look upon its works, ye mighty, and despair:
Sometimes, what pushes us to be better Excel users is seeing something amazing, and wanting to know how to do it. Could this graph be produced in Excel? Or, to be really cutting edge spreadsheet developers, do we have to start mucking about in HTML?