Two of the CD's contain the information in a Windows Compiled Help (.CHM) file. You can either read through or use the search utility. These CD's are the Excel Knowledge Base and Holy Macro! It's 2,500 Excel VBA Examples. The latter CD also includes 2,500 Excel files where you can see the macro at work.
The new DVD-ROM (Advanced Excel Training from Total Training) contains movie files. You watch these on your desktop and at any point, pause the training and open the same sample file that I am using in the training to try it out yourself.
The remaining CD's are like an e-book set up in PowerPoint Slides. It is set up as a .PPS show. Every few slides there will be a quiz question that you need to get correct before you can advance to the next slide. These CD's have a search utility as well.
Thanks for coming to the boot camp, and thanks for your interest!