Hi, new here. I am currently working on a excel project.
I have a list of valid values for each column in Style 1, 2 3 4.
For example Style 1: Red Green Yellow
Style 2: High Low Up Down
Style 3: Dog Mouse
For Instance, I have a few columns: Description, Description_2 ... that contains many words. What I would like to do is to check every word in these Description and then compare with all of the valid values in the Styles. If the word matches any of the valid value, then it will put the value in the row.
EXAMPLE: Dog is a valid value in Style 3. So cell E2 will have Dog inside.
Green, yellow is valid value in Style 1. Cell B2 will have Yellow, Green
So it should compare all of the description, description_2 ... and put in the appropriate words in the style columns if it matches the valid values.
I have many thousand rows of data, and it should put all the words accordingly in each row and column.
Wondering if I can do this in VBA as I am not very good in VBA.

I have a list of valid values for each column in Style 1, 2 3 4.
For example Style 1: Red Green Yellow
Style 2: High Low Up Down
Style 3: Dog Mouse
For Instance, I have a few columns: Description, Description_2 ... that contains many words. What I would like to do is to check every word in these Description and then compare with all of the valid values in the Styles. If the word matches any of the valid value, then it will put the value in the row.
EXAMPLE: Dog is a valid value in Style 3. So cell E2 will have Dog inside.
Green, yellow is valid value in Style 1. Cell B2 will have Yellow, Green
So it should compare all of the description, description_2 ... and put in the appropriate words in the style columns if it matches the valid values.
I have many thousand rows of data, and it should put all the words accordingly in each row and column.
Wondering if I can do this in VBA as I am not very good in VBA.