I have the array copying to the worksheet table however, the data overwrites the first line of the table each time instead of filling the table dynamically. Do I need to get the data to go into the first empty row below the table? If so how does one do that?
I have the array copying to the worksheet table however, the data overwrites the first line of the table each time instead of filling the table dynamically. Do I need to get the data to go into the first empty row below the table? If so how does one do that?
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]Private Sub cbWoodReturn_Click()
Dim arrList
With ufRooms
If .tsWoodRun.Value = -1 Then: .cbWoodReturn.Visible = False
' 'Load Items to an Array
arrList = Array(.tbxRooms.Text, .tsWood.SelectedItem.Caption, .tsWoodRun.SelectedItem.Caption, .tbxWoodQuant.Text, .tbxWoodPrice.Text, .tbWoodPrime.Tag, .tbWoodCaulk.Tag, .tbWoodPutty.Tag, .tbWoodStain.Tag)
Worksheets("Data").Range("Data") = arrList
End With
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]End Sub[/FONT][/COLOR][[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]/CODE]
Table starts on sheet "Data" in cell "C1" with headers
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