I've tried doing a count and a distinct count form the PP table, but same number. I've tried doing a pivot table in excel and count and seeing if any say 2 but all 1. I know that powerpivot can tell that " Mike" is the same as "Mike" so can it also think things are duplicates, when excel tools and its own distinct count don't e.g. "MBC" = "M B C"? I can't think of any way to find out which ones it thinks are duplicates
I can't remember how to attach the list to the post, but if anyone can give me some ideas to try be much appreciated as now 4,000 items long and can't do it by hand.
I can't remember how to attach the list to the post, but if anyone can give me some ideas to try be much appreciated as now 4,000 items long and can't do it by hand.