Scenario: I download a monthly statement each month The statement has transaction dates. I give each line of the statement a category. I want to analyse the statement by month using a PivotTable. Each month when I download a new statement, I want to add this into my PivotTable that consolidates all statements that I download. (as you know, statements don't always run from beginning to end of a month as the statement date may be mid-month).
I don't want to copy and paste each month's statement into a consolidated table as I know that PivotTables can hand data in more than one table.
When I build my PivotTable (see below), I want to summarise the date as I've currently got it set up.
My problem is, I don't want to see the values in separate columns (which are the different statements) within the Transaction Period. I don't care what statement they come from. I just want to analyse by Transaction Period.
*I have asterisked the value that come from two separate statements that I want to just appear in one column.
I don't want to copy and paste each month's statement into a consolidated table as I know that PivotTables can hand data in more than one table.
When I build my PivotTable (see below), I want to summarise the date as I've currently got it set up.
My problem is, I don't want to see the values in separate columns (which are the different statements) within the Transaction Period. I don't care what statement they come from. I just want to analyse by Transaction Period.
*I have asterisked the value that come from two separate statements that I want to just appear in one column.