Hello Everyone,
I've created this button on a userform on-screen keyboard to cycle through all the textboxes on another userform. After the 21st textbox (21st by TabIndex) it returns to the first textbox and starts over. What's happening though is that after making it through 22 boxes it stops cycling and does nothing at all. If I then call up the on-screen keyboard again (without resetting the userform it's being used with) it will cycle through 21 textboxes, then 20, then 19 and so on until I reset UserFormContacts and then it starts over at 22 again.
I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the Case 22 since it cycles through 22 textboxes the first go around but I don't know what to change.
Here's the code:
Everytime the tab button is clicked it sets focus on the next TextBox Enter event which sets iTab to the ActiveControl.TabIndex. All the Textboxes look like this one below:
I've created this button on a userform on-screen keyboard to cycle through all the textboxes on another userform. After the 21st textbox (21st by TabIndex) it returns to the first textbox and starts over. What's happening though is that after making it through 22 boxes it stops cycling and does nothing at all. If I then call up the on-screen keyboard again (without resetting the userform it's being used with) it will cycle through 21 textboxes, then 20, then 19 and so on until I reset UserFormContacts and then it starts over at 22 again.
I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the Case 22 since it cycles through 22 textboxes the first go around but I don't know what to change.
Here's the code:
Public iTab As Long
Private Sub cbnTab_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In UserFormContacts.Controls
If ctl.TabIndex = iTab + 1 Then
Select Case ctl.TabIndex
Case 22
' Wrap focus to the first textbox
Exit Sub
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
End If
End Sub
Everytime the tab button is clicked it sets focus on the next TextBox Enter event which sets iTab to the ActiveControl.TabIndex. All the Textboxes look like this one below:
Private Sub TextBoxAddress_Enter()
tPar = ActiveControl.Parent
tField = ActiveControl.Name
iTab = ActiveControl.TabIndex
If Me.TextBoxAddress.Name = Me.ActiveControl.Name Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub