I have Excel 2007 files that are used by others and are tightly locked down. Workbooks and Sheets are Protected with a password. On any given tab some cells are Locked and Hidden, others are not. The cells that are not locked are for users to input data. The Locked cells typically contain formulas that point to the unlocked cells. My issue is that users sometimes enter data in an unlocked cell, realize it should have been entered in a different unlocked cell, so they Cut and Paste the input data. This can cause #REF! errors within the Locked cells. Using VBA, I have disabled Cut on the Right-click Context menu, and I have disabled [Ctrl]X with an OnKey command. But this still leaves Cut on the Home menu available. I've seen posts where the menu can be modified using XML, but I don't want to go there. I'm hoping there is a VBA solution to disable Cut on the Home menu. Thanks for your time & assistance!