Legacy 223018
Hi All,
I'm new to this forum and to VBA. Still I have a rather tricky question to ask.
I have an Excel 2007 work sheet with deadlines for action items. Formulas behind dates, each one of which is in a different column, ("launching date", "foreseen end date", "postponed date" and "closure date") determine the action's status ("not launched", "in progress", "delayed", "postponed", "closed").
I want to create in my Outlook 2007 calendar appointments based on "foreseen end date" and (if applicable) on "postponed date". I managed to do that by nicking some code from the net and adjusting it to my needs. I also managed the second part: avoiding the creation of double entries if I run the macro more than once (which I'll surely do). What I don't manage yet is that an appointment is updated when I run the macro: If I change the due date, i.e. if I give the action a "postponed date" I would like the macro to update the appointment to that date.
I'd be very grateful for any help I can get to understand what I'm doing wrong! Thanks a lot in advance!!
Code below...
NB: dStart1 = foreseen end date; dStart2 = postponed date.
I'm new to this forum and to VBA. Still I have a rather tricky question to ask.
I have an Excel 2007 work sheet with deadlines for action items. Formulas behind dates, each one of which is in a different column, ("launching date", "foreseen end date", "postponed date" and "closure date") determine the action's status ("not launched", "in progress", "delayed", "postponed", "closed").
I want to create in my Outlook 2007 calendar appointments based on "foreseen end date" and (if applicable) on "postponed date". I managed to do that by nicking some code from the net and adjusting it to my needs. I also managed the second part: avoiding the creation of double entries if I run the macro more than once (which I'll surely do). What I don't manage yet is that an appointment is updated when I run the macro: If I change the due date, i.e. if I give the action a "postponed date" I would like the macro to update the appointment to that date.
I'd be very grateful for any help I can get to understand what I'm doing wrong! Thanks a lot in advance!!
Code below...
Option Explicit
' requires a reference to the Microsoft Outlook x.0 Object Library
Sub UpdateOL_Appts()
Dim OL As Outlook.Application
Dim olAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim NS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim olApptSearch As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim colItems As Outlook.Items
Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim sSubject As String, sBody As String, sSearch As String
Dim dStart1 As Date, dStart2 As Date
Dim bOLOpen As Boolean
Dim dDuration As Double
On Error Resume Next
Set OL = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application")
bOLOpen = True
If OL Is Nothing Then
Set OL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bOLOpen = False
End If
Set NS = OL.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set colItems = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
r = 10
While Cells(r, 11) <> "" Or Cells(r, 11) <> "Not launched" Or Cells(r, 11) <> "closed"
sSubject = Cells(r, 3).Value
sBody = Cells(r, 5).Value
dStart1 = Cells(r, 6).Value + TimeValue("10:00:00")
dStart2 = Cells(r, 7).Value + TimeValue("10:00:00")
dDuration = 60
sSearch = "[Subject] = " & sQuote(sSubject)
Set olApptSearch = colItems.Find(sSearch)
If Not olAppItem Is Nothing Then
If Cells(r, 7) <> "" Then
olAppItem.Start = dStart2
olAppItem.Duration = dDuration
olAppItem.Subject = sSubject
olAppItem.Location = ""
olAppItem.Body = "This is a rescheduled action item. Get an update on this action item from " & sBody
olAppItem.ReminderSet = True
olAppItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 30
olAppItem.BusyStatus = olFree
olAppItem.RequiredAttendees = ""
olAppItem.Categories = "Product Policy Action"
olAppItem.Close olSave
End If
End If
If olApptSearch Is Nothing Then
If Cells(r, 11) = "postponed" Then
Set olAppItem = OL.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
olAppItem.Start = dStart2
olAppItem.Duration = dDuration
olAppItem.Subject = sSubject
olAppItem.Location = ""
olAppItem.Body = "Get an update on this action item from " & sBody
olAppItem.ReminderSet = True
olAppItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 30
olAppItem.BusyStatus = olFree
olAppItem.RequiredAttendees = ""
olAppItem.Categories = "Product Policy Action"
olAppItem.Close olSave
ElseIf Cells(r, 11) = "in progress" Or Cells(r, 11) = "delayed" Then
Set olAppItem = OL.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
olAppItem.Start = dStart1
olAppItem.Duration = dDuration
olAppItem.Subject = sSubject
olAppItem.Location = ""
olAppItem.Body = "Get an update on this action item from " & sBody
olAppItem.ReminderSet = True
olAppItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 30
olAppItem.BusyStatus = olFree
olAppItem.RequiredAttendees = ""
olAppItem.Categories = "Product Policy Action"
olAppItem.Close olSave
End If
End If
r = r + 1
If bOLOpen = False Then OL.Quit
End Sub
Function sQuote(sTextToQuote)
sQuote = """" & sTextToQuote & """"
End Function
NB: dStart1 = foreseen end date; dStart2 = postponed date.