I've tried cut/past, copy/paste, cut/paste special, copy/paste special, no matter what I do all of my painstakingly adjusted row sizes are lost, squishing the text, images that I had neatly placed in cells get splattered around the pasted sheet, sometimes the images get multiplied, so what was one image in one cell becomes 10 or 15 of the exact same image stacked on top of each other, also sometimes the images get stretched/distorted and have to be resized back to their original condition, frozen panes are lost and have to be re-frozen in the new sheet. Also often lose the date formatting of certain cells.
I can't imagine that this is how it's supposed to function, google is no help, just links to Microsoft pages that are vague or for similar but different issues.
This is EXTREMELY frustrating and adds an hour or two of work to my day, every day.
Any help solving these would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
I can't imagine that this is how it's supposed to function, google is no help, just links to Microsoft pages that are vague or for similar but different issues.
This is EXTREMELY frustrating and adds an hour or two of work to my day, every day.
Any help solving these would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.