I am using the following VBA script to show formulae in calculations:
No matter what I do (e.g. include application.volatile) I always get the #NAME? error after I change any other formula in the sheet and thus have to manually recalculate each time which is annoying.
The only thing worth noting is I have lots of named cells e.g. a formula in cell B6 might be
and then the cell adjacent uses eval(B6)
the definitions of the name s_es is also using the eval function, so wondering if eval(x) of an eval
is causing the issue?
Essentially I'm trying to use Excel as a calc pad that displays the workings when printed, so if there is a completely different way of doing this then that would also be very helpful!
Thanks in advance
I am using the following VBA script to show formulae in calculations:
Public Function Eval(S As String)
Eval = Evaluate(S)
End Function
No matter what I do (e.g. include application.volatile) I always get the #NAME? error after I change any other formula in the sheet and thus have to manually recalculate each time which is annoying.
The only thing worth noting is I have lots of named cells e.g. a formula in cell B6 might be
and then the cell adjacent uses eval(B6)
the definitions of the name s_es is also using the eval function, so wondering if eval(x) of an eval

Essentially I'm trying to use Excel as a calc pad that displays the workings when printed, so if there is a completely different way of doing this then that would also be very helpful!
Thanks in advance