I have a rather lengthy code that I won't post unless requested to because I honestly don't know which part to post (where the code is going wrong). Basically I have a few procedures that cycle through each row of a table that specifies certain retrieve criteria and use the essbase commands to retrieve data, zoomin and then send data back to the cube using essbase. This works fine sometimes but other times the ZoomIn function is basically unresponsive. I'm able to retrieve but the following line zooms in on the retrieve and does not do anything. I've gone line by line and the result is the same, even when the zoomin fails, i can go back to the retrieve line and that will work. I have found a workaround for the time being but I'd like to avoid using it if possible because it becomes time consuming. The workaround is to save the excel file a few different times during the procedure and this fixed the problem completely. The problem is that I am cycling through 130 rows (saving twice per row) and the file is large and on a network drive. This means I'm saving the file 260 times which, as you can imagine, adds up to much more time than i was hoping for. I'm not positive why the file saving is fixing the problem which I was hoping someone could shed some light on. Is this allowing the excel file to refresh??? I have some linked tables (to access) that I refresh in the process but I made sure to set backgroundrefresh to false. This problem has honestly preplexed me for days so I appreciate any help!
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