Board Regular
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- Oct 20, 2019
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I'm using the following code to copy data from one sheet to two other sheets and then delete the active sheet. The code works and does everything that it needs to do. The only issue is a get the following error at the very end once it has finished.
Run-time error '-2147221080 (900401a8)': Automation Error
I've run the code line by line and the error occurs when deleting the sheet. If I remove the lines either side for displaying alerts I don't get the error. I do get a warning message about permanently deleting the sheet which I can click and I don't get the error message but ideally I don't want that message box.
Is there any way around this?
Run-time error '-2147221080 (900401a8)': Automation Error
I've run the code line by line and the error occurs when deleting the sheet. If I remove the lines either side for displaying alerts I don't get the error. I do get a warning message about permanently deleting the sheet which I can click and I don't get the error message but ideally I don't want that message box.
Is there any way around this?
Private Sub cmdDutyComplete_Click()
ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Password:="****"
Dim answer As Integer
answer = MsgBox("You are about to complete this duty. This will remove this sheet. Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Complete Duty")
If answer = vbYes Then
Sheets("OT Dates Issued").Unprotect Password:="****"
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = ActiveSheet.Range("J2").Value
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
With Sheets("OT Dates Issued").Range("A:A")
Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
Rng.Offset(0, 6).Value = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("H5:H24"))
Rng.Offset(0, 7).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("N5:N24"))
MsgBox "Nothing found"
End If
End With
End If
Sheets("OT Dates Issued").Protect Password:="****"
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim z As Control
Set ws = Worksheets("Overtime Data")
Set ws2 = ActiveSheet
ws.Unprotect Password:="****"
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Dim rng2 As Range, cell As Range
Set rng2 = Range("D5:D24")
For Each cell In rng2
If cell <> "" And UCase(cell) <> UCase("RESERVE LIST") Then
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("$M$2:$Q$2").Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("$M$2:$Q$2").Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("$M$2:$Q$2").Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("R2").Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("F2").Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 6).Value = cell.Offset(0, 9).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 7).Value = cell.Offset(0, 3).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 8).Value = cell.Offset(0, 4).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 9).Value = cell.Offset(0, 5).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 10).Value = cell.Offset(0, 6).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 11).Value = cell.Offset(0, 10).Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = cell.Offset(0, 11).Value
iRow = iRow + 1
End If
Next cell
ws.Protect Password:="****"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets("Overtime Menu").Select
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
ThisWorkbook.Protect Password:="****"
End Sub