Error on ActiveCell.Offset().Value


New Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hello guys,

I'm testing a Spreedsheet - CAPCOST, from the book Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, but it's not working, always when I try to use "add an equipment" a Run-time error 1004 show up in an yellow arrow in line of this command :

    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
        (centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost / Range("CEPCI")) & "*CEPCI, " & iTemp & ")"

Code macro complete:
' The module below calculates cost for centrifuges according to the correlations   *
' given in "Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes."                 *

Sub calculateCentrifugeCosts()
    lCp = 10 ^ (sK1 + sK2 * (Log(sLength) / Log(10)) + sK3 * _
        ((Log(sLength) / Log(10)) ^ 2)) * (iSpares + 1) / 397 * Range("CEPCI")
    If sHolder <> -99 Then
        sLength = sHolder
    End If
    lCBM = lCp * sFBM

    centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost.Value = lCp
    centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])

    centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost.Value = lCBM
    centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
End Sub

Sub insertRowsCentrifuge()
    bQuestion = False
    iSelection = 0

    Do While bQuestion = False
        iSelection = iSelection + 1
        If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 0)) Then
            bQuestion = True
        End If
    ActiveCell.Offset((iSelection + 1), 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

Sub insertCentrifuge()
' Centrifuge naming procedure

Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 0).Value _
    = "=""Ct-"" & unitNumber + " & Val(iSelection)

    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 1).Value = strCentrifugeType
    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 3).Value = iSpares
    iTemp = roundAmount(sLength * Range("preferenceLength"))
    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 2).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
    sLength & "*preferenceLength, " & iTemp & ")"
    iTemp = roundAmount(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost)
[COLOR=#daa520]   [B] ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
        (centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost / Range("CEPCI")) & "*CEPCI, " & iTemp & ")"[/B][/COLOR]
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).Style = "Currency"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"

    iTemp = roundAmount(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost)
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
        (centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost / Range("CEPCI")) & "*CEPCI, " & iTemp & ")"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).Style = "Currency"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"

End Sub
Well, I'm a newbee in VBA macros on excel...

Thanks a lot in advance!
How is the named range userAddedCentrifuges defined?
Upvote 0
How is the named range userAddedCentrifuges defined?

I will quote the hole code, if its help:

'Need to convert the centrifuge form to a centrifuge form  12/29/2004

Dim iSelection As Integer
Dim aProperties(7, 1)
Dim sK1 As Single
Dim sK2 As Single
Dim sK3 As Single
Dim sFM As Single
Dim sLength As Single
Dim lCp As Long
Dim sFP As Single
Dim iSpares As Integer
Dim lCBM As Long
Dim lCBM0 As Long
Dim sFBM As Single
Dim bQuestion As Boolean
Dim strCentrifugeInfo As String
Dim strCentrifugeMOC As String
Dim strCentrifugeType As String
Dim iTemp As Integer
Dim sHolder As Single
Dim iCounter As Integer

'   The three modules below change information in "centrifugeForm" depending    *
' on whether the action chosen was add, edit, or add data.                      *

Sub displayAddCentrifuge()
    Unload addEquipmentForm
    Load centrifugeForm
    centrifugeForm.Caption = "Add a Centrifuge to Unit " & Range("unitNumber").Value
    Call prepareCentrifugeFormUnits
End Sub

Sub displayEditCentrifuge()
    Load centrifugeForm
    Call prepareCentrifugeFormUnits
    Call fillCentrifugeForm
    centrifugeForm.Caption = "Edit Centrifuge Ct-" & (Val(Range("unitNumber")) + iSelection)
    centrifugeForm.centrifugeFinish.Caption = "Edit"
    centrifugeForm.centrifugeAdd.Enabled = False
    centrifugeForm.centrifugeAdd.Visible = False
End Sub

Sub prepareCentrifugeFormUnits()
    With centrifugeForm.cbLength
        .RowSource = ""
        .AddItem "meters"
        .AddItem "feet"
    End With
    Select Case True
        Case Worksheets("User Options").Range("preferenceLength").Offset(0, -1) _
            .Value = "meters"
                centrifugeForm.cbLength.ListIndex = 0
        Case Worksheets("User Options").Range("preferenceLength").Offset(0, -1) _
            .Value = "feet"
                centrifugeForm.cbLength.ListIndex = 1
    End Select
End Sub

'   The two modules below call different centrifuge procedures depending             *
' on whether the action chosen was add a centrifuge or edit a centrifuge.         *

Sub addCentrifuge()
    If Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(1, 0).Value = "" Then
        Call editEquipment.unhideEquipment("userAddedCentrifuges")
    End If
    Call getCentrifugeData
    Call calculateCentrifugeCosts
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Call insertRowsCentrifuge
    Call insertCentrifuge
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub editCentrifuge()
    Call getCentrifugeData
    Call calculateCentrifugeCosts
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Call insertCentrifuge
    Call listCentrifugeProperties
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub addMultipleCentrifuges(iCounter As Integer)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(1, 0).Value = "" Then
        Call editEquipment.unhideEquipment("userAddedCentrifuges")
    End If
    Call getCentrifugeData
    sLength = sLength / iCounter
    Call calculateCentrifugeCosts
    sLength = sLength * iCounter
    lCp = lCp * iCounter
    lCBM = lCBM * iCounter
    With centrifugeForm
        .tbBaseCost.Value = lCp
        .tbBaseCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
        .tbModuleCost.Value = lCBM
        .tbModuleCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
    End With

    Call insertRowsCentrifuge
    Call insertCentrifuge
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub editMultipleCentrifuges(iCounter As Integer)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Call getCentrifugeData
    sLength = sLength / iCounter
    Call calculateCentrifugeCosts
    sLength = sLength * iCounter
    lCp = lCp * iCounter
    lCBM = lCBM * iCounter
    With centrifugeForm
        .tbBaseCost.Value = lCp
        .tbBaseCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
        .tbModuleCost.Value = lCBM
        .tbModuleCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
    End With
    Call insertCentrifuge
    Call listCentrifugeProperties
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

' This module takes the data from user form "centrifugeForm"

Sub getCentrifugeData()
    sLength = convert(centrifugeForm, "length", Val(centrifugeForm.tbLength))
    iSpares = Val(centrifugeForm.tbSpares)
    Select Case True
        Case centrifugeForm.obAutoBatch
            strCentrifugeInfo = "centrifugeAutoBatch"
            strCentrifugeType = "Auto Batch"
        Case centrifugeForm.obCentrifugal
            strCentrifugeInfo = "centrifugeCentrifugal"
            strCentrifugeType = "Centrifugal"
        Case centrifugeForm.obOscillating
            strCentrifugeInfo = "centrifugeOscillating"
            strCentrifugeType = "Oscillating"
        Case centrifugeForm.obSolidBowl
            strCentrifugeInfo = "centrifugeSolidBowl"
            strCentrifugeType = "Solid Bowl"
    End Select
    sHolder = -99
    If sLength < Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "Dmin") Then
        sHolder = sLength
        sLength = Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "Dmin")
    End If

    sK1 = Worksheets("Equipment Cost Data").Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "K1").Value
    sK2 = Worksheets("Equipment Cost Data").Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "K2").Value
    sK3 = Worksheets("Equipment Cost Data").Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "K3").Value
    sFBM = Worksheets("Equipment Cost Data").Range(strCentrifugeInfo & "FBM").Value  '2007
End Sub

'   The module below calculates cost for centrifuges according to the correlations   *
'  given in "Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes."                 *

Sub calculateCentrifugeCosts()
    lCp = 10 ^ (sK1 + sK2 * (Log(sLength) / Log(10)) + sK3 * _
        ((Log(sLength) / Log(10)) ^ 2)) * (iSpares + 1) / 397 * Range("CEPCI")
    If sHolder <> -99 Then
        sLength = sHolder
    End If
    lCBM = lCp * sFBM

    centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost.Value = lCp
    centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])

    centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost.Value = lCBM
    centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost = Format(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost, ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
End Sub

Sub insertRowsCentrifuge()
    bQuestion = False
    iSelection = 0

    Do While bQuestion = False
        iSelection = iSelection + 1
        If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 0)) Then
            bQuestion = True
        End If
    ActiveCell.Offset((iSelection + 1), 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

Sub insertCentrifuge()
' Centrifuge naming procedure

Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 0).Value _
    = "=""Ct-"" & unitNumber + " & Val(iSelection)

    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 1).Value = strCentrifugeType
    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 3).Value = iSpares
    iTemp = roundAmount(sLength * Range("preferenceLength"))
    Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 2).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
    sLength & "*preferenceLength, " & iTemp & ")"
    iTemp = roundAmount(centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost)
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
        (centrifugeForm.tbBaseCost / Range("CEPCI")) & "*CEPCI, " & iTemp & ")"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).Style = "Currency"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 7).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"

    iTemp = roundAmount(centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost)
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).Value = "=ROUND(" & _
        (centrifugeForm.tbModuleCost / Range("CEPCI")) & "*CEPCI, " & iTemp & ")"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).Style = "Currency"
    ActiveCell.Offset(iSelection, 8).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
End Sub

'   This module fills the edit version of centrifugeForm with information   *
' regarding the centrifuge that has been chosen for editing.  Both of the   *
' modules below are for editing an existing ventrifuge.                     *

Sub fillCentrifugeForm()
    Select Case Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 1).Value
        Case "Auto Batch"
            centrifugeForm.obAutoBatch = True
        Case "Centrifugal"
            centrifugeForm.obCentrifugal = True
        Case "Oscillating"
            centrifugeForm.obOscillating = True
        Case "Solid Bowl"
            centrifugeForm.obSolidBowl = True
    End Select
    centrifugeForm.tbLength = Val(Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 2))
    centrifugeForm.tbSpares = Val(Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 3))
End Sub

Sub listCentrifugeProperties()

' This section of code fills an array with the selected centrifuge's properties
' The properties are then displayed in the edit window

    iSelection = editEquipmentForm.lbEquipmentName.ListIndex + 1

    aProperties(0, 0) = "Centrifuge Type..............................."
    aProperties(0, 1) = Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 1)
    aProperties(1, 0) = "Centrifuge Diameter.............................."
    aProperties(1, 1) = Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 2) & " " _
        & Range("preferenceLength").Offset(0, -1).Value
    aProperties(2, 0) = "Number of Spares............................."
    aProperties(2, 1) = Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 3)
    aProperties(3, 0) = " "
    aProperties(3, 1) = " "
    aProperties(4, 0) = " "
    aProperties(4, 1) = " "
    aProperties(5, 0) = " "
    aProperties(5, 1) = " "
    aProperties(6, 0) = "Base Cost...................................."
    aProperties(6, 1) = Format(Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 7), ["$\ #,###,###,###"])
    aProperties(7, 0) = "Bare Module Cost............................."
    aProperties(7, 1) = Format(Range("userAddedCentrifuges").Offset(iSelection, 8), ["$\ #,###,###,###"])

    editEquipmentForm.lbEquipmentDescription.List = aProperties
End Sub

' The modules below are used for adding the centrifuges to the cost summary, updating
' centrifuges in the cost summary as they are edited, and deleting centrifuges from
' the cost summary.

Sub addSummaryCentrifuge()
    Dim rRange
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Do While Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 0).Value <> ""
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.insert Shift:=xlDown
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 0) = "=""Ct-"" & unitNumber + " & Val(iSelection)
    iTemp = roundAmount(lCBM * Range("totalModuleFactor") / 397 * Range("CEPCI"))
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1) = "=ROUND(" & lCBM & _
    "*totalModuleFactor, " & iTemp & ")"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1).Style = "Currency"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Call centrifugeGrassRoots
    iTemp = roundAmount((Range("totalModuleFactor") * lCBM _
    + Range("grassRootsFactor") * lCBM0) / 397 * Range("CEPCI"))
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3) = "=ROUND((totalModuleFactor*" & lCBM & _
    "+ grassRootsFactor*" & lCBM0 & "), " & iTemp & ")"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3).Style = "Currency"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).ClearFormats
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).Font.Size = 12

    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5) = "NA"
End Sub

Sub editSummaryCentrifuge()
Dim rRange
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    iCounter = 0
    strCentrifugeMOC = "Ct-" & (Range("unitNumber")) + Val(iSelection)
    Do While Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 0) <> strCentrifugeMOC
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 0) = "=""Ct-"" & unitNumber + " & Val(iSelection)
    iTemp = roundAmount(lCBM * Range("totalModuleFactor") / 397 * Range("CEPCI"))
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1) = "=ROUND(" & lCBM & _
    "*totalModuleFactor, " & iTemp & ")"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1).Style = "Currency"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 1).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Call centrifugeGrassRoots
    iTemp = roundAmount((Range("totalModuleFactor") * lCBM _
    + Range("grassRootsFactor") * lCBM0) / 397 * Range("CEPCI"))
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3) = "=ROUND((totalModuleFactor*" & lCBM & _
    "+ grassRootsFactor*" & lCBM0 & "), " & iTemp & ")"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3).Style = "Currency"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 3).NumberFormat = _
    "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).ClearFormats
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5).Font.Size = 12
    Range("costSummary").Offset(iCounter, 5) = "NA"
End Sub

Sub centrifugeGrassRoots()
    lCBM0 = lCp
End Sub

Thanks in advance!
Upvote 0
I'm afraid the range isn't defined/created in that code.

Are you using a template sheet with predefined named ranges?

Or is there other code?

The reason I'm asking about this named range is because the code selects it immediately meaning that when the line of code causing the error is executed ActiveCell is in that range.

So the problem could have something to do with this range.
Upvote 0
That should have read '...the code selects it immediately before the problem line is executed'.
Upvote 0
I've found the problem in the code it's the currency formatting of Base Cost and Bare Module Cost causing a type mismatch error.

Do you need that formatting in the actual textbox?

If you don't you could just add a $ after the 2 labels.
Upvote 0
Actually you can keep the $ in the textbox if you alter the formatting.

The current format is ["$/ #,###,###,###"] but if you replace that with ["$#,###,###,###"] then the code should work.

You can do a find and replace on the entire project for that.
Upvote 0
Actually you can keep the $ in the textbox if you alter the formatting.

The current format is ["$/ #,###,###,###"] but if you replace that with ["$#,###,###,###"] then the code should work.

You can do a find and replace on the entire project for that.

Thanks a lot Norie!!! Its working perfectly right now!!!

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