Hi All,
This is my first post ever so my thread may not follow normal protocol. Please instruct if I have forgotten something.
Anyways, I have written a code that essentially moves data from one sheet to another sheet and performs a variety of manipulations. The workbook is rather large and includes 7 modules. I built the book out module by module, and only moved on to the next module when the previous module ran correctly with out errors(Hence, this code worked at one point). I have finally completed the workbook, however one of my modules is returning the above error. Once I click ok, I get a follow up error "Run-time error '1004' Insert Method of Range Class Failed"
Below is the code...the error occurs where I have highlighted red:
Sub Copy_Mod_Data()
'Use Input Request - Specify Loan Group
Dim userentry As Variant
userentry = InputBox("Enter the number for the data you would like to import(Select only one):" & vbNewLine & "1 = Defensive Refi" & vbNewLine & "2 = Modifications" & vbNewLine & "3 = Forbearance")
If userentry = "" Then Exit Sub
If userentry <> "" Then Range("h1").Value = userentry
'User Input Request - If Yes, it will not add new columns a second time
Dim userentry1 As Variant
userentry1 = InputBox("Have you already run the COPY TO HISTORICAL macro for any other categories this quarter:" & vbNewLine & "1 = No" & vbNewLine & "2 = Yes")
If userentry1 = "" Then Exit Sub
If userentry1 <> "" Then Range("h2").Value = userentry
'Set Values Based on user Input
If userentry = 1 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_1").Value
startrow = [row_start_def].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell1].Value
ElseIf userentry = 2 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_2").Value
startrow = [row_start_mod].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell2].Value
ElseIf userentry = 3 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_3").Value
startrow = [row_start_forb].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell3].Value
End If
'Define variables
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim rSource As Excel.Range
Dim rDestination As Excel.Range
Dim newrange As Excel.CellFormat
sheet_source = [Destination_Sheet1].Value
sheet_des = [Destination_Sheet4].Value
'Set Values
modcount = numfiles - 1
lastrow = startrow + modcount
Set rSource = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("A" & startrow & ":Q" & lastrow)
Set rsource1 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("V" & startrow & ":V" & lastrow)
Set rsource2 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("X" & startrow & ":AK" & lastrow)
Set rsource3 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("AL" & startrow & ":AP" & lastrow)
Set rDestination = Sheets(sheet_des).Range(His_cell_start).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
'Insert Blank Rows At the bottom of historical data
Sheets(sheet_des).Rows(rDestination.Row & ":" & rDestination.Row + modcount).Insert
'Insert 2 new Columns for new Quarterly Allowance and SDQ Data
If userentry1 = 1 Then
colu = [columncount].Value - 1
Sheets("Historical").Range("A1").Offset(0, colu).Resize(, 2).EntireColumn.Insert
End If
'Specify Range Identifiers and Column Titles
new_Column1 = [columncount].Value - 2
new_Column2 = [columncount].Value - 1
rowvalue = rDestination.Row
'Specify New Destination Range
If userentry = 1 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 19) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 19) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop1].Value
ElseIf userentry = 2 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 17) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 17) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop].Value
ElseIf userentry = 3 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 21) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 21) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop2].Value
End If
'Change Column Titles
Sheets("Historical").Cells(7, new_Column1) = [Quarter_Date].Value & " Allowance"
Sheets("Historical").Cells(7, new_Column2) = [Quarter_Date].Value & " SDQ Amount"
'Copy source Data
'Pastevalues_Initial Block before new column
Sheets(sheet_des).Range(His_cell_start).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - First after new Column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 1
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - Second after new Column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 2
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - Third after new column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 17
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Set Date in Column B
For Counter = 0 To modcount
Qdate = [Quarter_Date].Value
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row + Counter, 2) = Qdate
Next Counter
'Move back to top left corner of sheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Output message to user
MsgBox "Data Import Complete!"
'Output Time Stamp
ActiveSheet.Range("B18") = Now
End Sub
PLEASE HELP! Thanks in advance
This is my first post ever so my thread may not follow normal protocol. Please instruct if I have forgotten something.
Anyways, I have written a code that essentially moves data from one sheet to another sheet and performs a variety of manipulations. The workbook is rather large and includes 7 modules. I built the book out module by module, and only moved on to the next module when the previous module ran correctly with out errors(Hence, this code worked at one point). I have finally completed the workbook, however one of my modules is returning the above error. Once I click ok, I get a follow up error "Run-time error '1004' Insert Method of Range Class Failed"
Below is the code...the error occurs where I have highlighted red:
Sub Copy_Mod_Data()
'Use Input Request - Specify Loan Group
Dim userentry As Variant
userentry = InputBox("Enter the number for the data you would like to import(Select only one):" & vbNewLine & "1 = Defensive Refi" & vbNewLine & "2 = Modifications" & vbNewLine & "3 = Forbearance")
If userentry = "" Then Exit Sub
If userentry <> "" Then Range("h1").Value = userentry
'User Input Request - If Yes, it will not add new columns a second time
Dim userentry1 As Variant
userentry1 = InputBox("Have you already run the COPY TO HISTORICAL macro for any other categories this quarter:" & vbNewLine & "1 = No" & vbNewLine & "2 = Yes")
If userentry1 = "" Then Exit Sub
If userentry1 <> "" Then Range("h2").Value = userentry
'Set Values Based on user Input
If userentry = 1 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_1").Value
startrow = [row_start_def].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell1].Value
ElseIf userentry = 2 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_2").Value
startrow = [row_start_mod].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell2].Value
ElseIf userentry = 3 Then
numfiles = Range("cellcount_3").Value
startrow = [row_start_forb].Value
His_cell_start = [start_cell3].Value
End If
'Define variables
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim rSource As Excel.Range
Dim rDestination As Excel.Range
Dim newrange As Excel.CellFormat
sheet_source = [Destination_Sheet1].Value
sheet_des = [Destination_Sheet4].Value
'Set Values
modcount = numfiles - 1
lastrow = startrow + modcount
Set rSource = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("A" & startrow & ":Q" & lastrow)
Set rsource1 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("V" & startrow & ":V" & lastrow)
Set rsource2 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("X" & startrow & ":AK" & lastrow)
Set rsource3 = Sheets(sheet_source).Range("AL" & startrow & ":AP" & lastrow)
Set rDestination = Sheets(sheet_des).Range(His_cell_start).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
'Insert Blank Rows At the bottom of historical data
Sheets(sheet_des).Rows(rDestination.Row & ":" & rDestination.Row + modcount).Insert
'Insert 2 new Columns for new Quarterly Allowance and SDQ Data
If userentry1 = 1 Then
colu = [columncount].Value - 1
Sheets("Historical").Range("A1").Offset(0, colu).Resize(, 2).EntireColumn.Insert
End If
'Specify Range Identifiers and Column Titles
new_Column1 = [columncount].Value - 2
new_Column2 = [columncount].Value - 1
rowvalue = rDestination.Row
'Specify New Destination Range
If userentry = 1 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 19) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 19) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop1].Value
ElseIf userentry = 2 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 17) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 17) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop].Value
ElseIf userentry = 3 Then
Sheets("Historical").Cells(2, 21) = rowvalue - 1
Sheets("Historical").Cells(1, 21) = rowvalue - numfiles
new_row = [rangetop2].Value
End If
'Change Column Titles
Sheets("Historical").Cells(7, new_Column1) = [Quarter_Date].Value & " Allowance"
Sheets("Historical").Cells(7, new_Column2) = [Quarter_Date].Value & " SDQ Amount"
'Copy source Data
'Pastevalues_Initial Block before new column
Sheets(sheet_des).Range(His_cell_start).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - First after new Column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 1
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - Second after new Column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 2
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Copy and PasteValues - Third after new column
new_column = [columncount].Value + 17
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row, new_column).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
'Set Date in Column B
For Counter = 0 To modcount
Qdate = [Quarter_Date].Value
Sheets(sheet_des).Cells(new_row + Counter, 2) = Qdate
Next Counter
'Move back to top left corner of sheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Output message to user
MsgBox "Data Import Complete!"
'Output Time Stamp
ActiveSheet.Range("B18") = Now
End Sub
PLEASE HELP! Thanks in advance