seems like a very simple task and I've tried a few different methods since its not working. line in vba:
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("g2:j1000").Value = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("g2:j1000").Value
Other methods include calling Sheets("... instead of Worksheets("... Another method included something about paste special. I've tried a command to Activate sheet as I am pulling data from another worksheet, same workbook.
I keep getting error 9, subscript out of range. I have successfully used this just Range().value in this same workbook, same page. So I wonder if it has something to do with pulling in data from another sheet but I can't figure what I am doing wrong. Could use a nudge to get out of this rut.
Thank You
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("g2:j1000").Value = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("g2:j1000").Value
Other methods include calling Sheets("... instead of Worksheets("... Another method included something about paste special. I've tried a command to Activate sheet as I am pulling data from another worksheet, same workbook.
I keep getting error 9, subscript out of range. I have successfully used this just Range().value in this same workbook, same page. So I wonder if it has something to do with pulling in data from another sheet but I can't figure what I am doing wrong. Could use a nudge to get out of this rut.
Thank You