Hello everybody,
"Invalid future reference automation error, or reference to an uncompiled type"
My code opens a workbook that when opened it increments the value of cell "A2" by +1.
So far it worked very well, but this morning it doesn't work anymore.
Maybe something is poorly defined in my code that is causing the bug.
The code stops on the line :
Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") + 1
Do you have an idea please??
Master workbook code
"Invalid future reference automation error, or reference to an uncompiled type"
My code opens a workbook that when opened it increments the value of cell "A2" by +1.
So far it worked very well, but this morning it doesn't work anymore.
Maybe something is poorly defined in my code that is causing the bug.
The code stops on the line :
Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") + 1
Do you have an idea please??
Master workbook code
VBA Code:
Sub Generer_Num_FNC()
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim clascompteur As String
Dim Claslauncher As String
estclasseurouvert = (Not xWb Is Nothing)
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim ladate As Date
Dim v As Variant
Claslauncher = "P:\04-Production Besancon\Qualité\01 - Déclarer Produit Non Conforme\" & "Left(chemin, pos - 1)" & ".xlsm" 'Essai avec Left... entre guillemets
clascompteur = "P:\04-Production Besancon\Qualité\01 - Déclarer Produit Non Conforme\COMPTEUR.xlsm"
' figer l'écran
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' 1ere étape: récupérer le nom de ce classeur
chemin = ActiveWorkbook.Name
' Déverrouiller l'onglet "Formulaire"
Sheets("Formulaire").Visible = True
Sheets("Formulaire").Unprotect Password:="gnt"
' vérifier si classeur "Compteur" existe
If Len(Dir(clascompteur)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "ERREUR: Le classeur Compteur n'existe pas"
Exit Sub
' Else 'MsgBox "Le classeur existe"
End If
On Error GoTo Invalid:
' Ouvrir le classeur "Compteur"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=clascompteur
ActiveWorkbook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen
Workbooks(chemin).Worksheets("Formulaire").Range("A4").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Workbooks("COMPTEUR.xlsm").Close savechanges = True
' Insérer la date du jour dans la cellule "Date_Rédaction" & "Date_Détection"
ladate = Date
Range("Date_Rédaction") = Format(ladate, "DD.MM.YYYY") 'Pour info, "WW" renvoie numéro de semaine
Range("Date_Détection") = Format(ladate, "DD.MM.YYYY")
Sheets("Formulaire").Protect Password:="gnt"
' Rafraichir l'écran
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Une erreur est survenue, veuillez contacter Flavien")
' Retourner à l'onglet "Accueil"
End Sub
VBA Code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim i As Byte
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("Counter") + 1
Next i
End Sub