Hey all,
I have a macro that filters a table, and then fills out a few columns of another table with totals based on the filtered table. Most of the time, it works perfectly, and is tremendously much faster than a sumifs in the worksheet. Unfortunately, out of 160 iterations, it errors out 23 times with error 13, at the red text, where it assigns the column to the array. I've hit a dead end, tried everything I can think of, and searched forums for answers without success. Hopefully one of you can figure it out.
The Mysumif and MyVlookup2 are as follows, but they don't error out, so it's just in case you're curious.
I would truly appreciate any help!
I have a macro that filters a table, and then fills out a few columns of another table with totals based on the filtered table. Most of the time, it works perfectly, and is tremendously much faster than a sumifs in the worksheet. Unfortunately, out of 160 iterations, it errors out 23 times with error 13, at the red text, where it assigns the column to the array. I've hit a dead end, tried everything I can think of, and searched forums for answers without success. Hopefully one of you can figure it out.
Rich (BB code):
Sub test(CID As Long, myerror As Long)
Dim YTDPart() As Variant, YTDTotal() As Variant, YTDCAT() As Variant, CATPart() As Variant, CATCAT() As Variant, CATPrice() As Variant, CATOrdered() As Variant, CATTotes() As Variant, PriceBase() As Variant, PricePart() As Variant, PriceGroup() As Variant
CATPrice = Range("TOP[Price]").Value2
CATOrdered = Range("TOP[Ordered]").Value2
CATTotes = Range("TOP[Totes]").Value2
GoTo TheRest
If Err.Number = 13 ThenCells(myerror + 3, 9) = "ERROR" ElseCells(myerror + 3, 9) = "DIFFERENT ERROR"End If
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo skip
Sheets("REF").ListObjects("YTD").Range.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=" & CID, Operator:=xlAnd
'These need to be visible only...
YTDPart = Range("YTD[Item]").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value2
YTDTotal = Range("YTD[Ext Sales]").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value2
YTDCAT = Range("YTD[Prod Group Desc]").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value2
'These need to be all
CATPart = Range("TOP[Part]").Value2
CATCAT = Range("TOP[Category]").Value2
PriceBase = Range("Price[Base Price]").Value2
PricePart = Range("Price[Part]").Value2
PriceGroup = Range("Price[PriceList Code]").Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(CATPart)
CATOrdered(i, 1) = (MySumif(YTDTotal(), YTDPart(), CATPart(i, 1)) > 0)
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(CATPart)
CATTotes(i, 1) = MySumif(YTDTotal(), YTDCAT(), CATCAT(i, 1))
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(CATPart)
CATPrice(i, 1) = MyVlookup2(CATPart(i, 1), PricePart(), Worksheets(1).Range("AS3").Value, PriceGroup(), PriceBase())
Next i
Sheets("REF").ListObjects("YTD").Range.AutoFilter Field:=2
Range("TOP[Ordered]").Value2 = CATOrdered
Range("TOP[Totes]").Value2 = CATTotes
Range("TOP[Price]").Value2 = CATPrice
Erase YTDPart, YTDTotal, CATPart, PricePart
End Sub
The Mysumif and MyVlookup2 are as follows, but they don't error out, so it's just in case you're curious.
Rich (BB code):
Public Function MySumif(Sumit() As Variant, Searchit() As Variant, Mycrit As Variant)
Dim i As Long
MySumif = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(Searchit)
If Searchit(i, 1) = Mycrit Then MySumif = MySumif + Sumit(i, 1)
Next i
End Function
Public Function MyVlookup2(Mycrit As Variant, Searchit() As Variant, Mycrit2 As Variant, Searchit2() As Variant, Myresult() As Variant)
For i = 1 To UBound(Searchit)
If Searchit(i, 1) = Mycrit And Searchit2(i, 1) = Mycrit2 Then MyVlookup2 = Myresult(i, 1)
Next i
End Function
I would truly appreciate any help!