i have a code line that works perfectly on my computer but when i send it to some else,
i get the error 1004 when running the macro - i have encountered a similar error and the root cause was the regional setting ( the separator in the formula was semicolon and not coma as per my computer.
any advice or support is greatly appreciate
i have a code line that works perfectly on my computer but when i send it to some else,
i get the error 1004 when running the macro - i have encountered a similar error and the root cause was the regional setting ( the separator in the formula was semicolon and not coma as per my computer.
any advice or support is greatly appreciate
Range("AA2:AA" & LR1).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(TODAY()-RC[-3])<7,""Blocking Notification sent ""& TODAY()-RC[-3] & "" days ago"",IF(AND(RC[-6]>0,RC[-5]<>0),IF(LEFT(RC[-4],5)=""[fax:"",""FAX EOS"",IF(LEFT(RC[-4],4)=""INVA"",""NO CONTACT"",""MAIL EOS"")),IF(AND(RC[-6]=0,LEFT(RC[-4],5)=""[fax:""),""FAX SOA"",IF(AND(RC[-6]=0,LEFT(RC[-4],4)<>""INVA""),""MAIL SOA"",""NO CONTACT"")))"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False