Hi Everyone,
I have created a script that deletes a row based on a string found in the first column (referenced to another table with a list of strings to delete)
What is weird is that the script works but is not deleting all rows that match the criteria. For example, if there are 10 rows that match the criteria the macro will delete 6 of them and leave the other 4 rows.
I have tried changing the code and doing some debugging and I am stuck.
I originally wrote the script by using For statements ('For LensSRow =2 To LensLastRow'), either method does not make a difference. I have also tried to declare the variables and long, string, and variable to see if that made any difference.
To test the loops and the If statement I added one line of code to change the value of column k on the row to '0' when the same criteria is met. The line is commented out above, but all of rows that matched the criteria were updated correctly and the code runs fine.
I also noticed that if I add multiple lines of the same criteria to the "Focus" sheet then the amount of rows deleted increases when I run the script.
I have pretty much narrowed it down to the actual EntireRow.Delete statement.
I am officially lost, hopefully someone has a better idea of what is happening.
I would appreciate your help!
I have created a script that deletes a row based on a string found in the first column (referenced to another table with a list of strings to delete)
What is weird is that the script works but is not deleting all rows that match the criteria. For example, if there are 10 rows that match the criteria the macro will delete 6 of them and leave the other 4 rows.
I have tried changing the code and doing some debugging and I am stuck.
Sub Create_Focus()
Dim excel_app As Object
Dim excel_sheet As Object
Dim iMaterial As Variant
Dim LensLastRow As Variant
Dim FocusLastRow As Variant
Dim FocusSRow As Variant
Dim LensSRow As Variant
'Removes Lens Materials from Focus tab on Template File
FocusLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
FocusSRow = 2
iMaterial = Range("A" & FocusSRow).Value
'Remove Material from LENS
LensLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
LensSRow = 2
If Cells(LensSRow, 1) = iMaterial Then Cells(LensSRow, "A").EntireRow.Delete
'If Cells(LensSRow, 1) = iMaterial Then Range("K" & LensSRow) = 0
LensSRow = LensSRow + 1
Loop While LensSRow <= LensLastRow
FocusSRow = FocusSRow + 1
Loop While FocusSRow <= FocusLastRow
I originally wrote the script by using For statements ('For LensSRow =2 To LensLastRow'), either method does not make a difference. I have also tried to declare the variables and long, string, and variable to see if that made any difference.
To test the loops and the If statement I added one line of code to change the value of column k on the row to '0' when the same criteria is met. The line is commented out above, but all of rows that matched the criteria were updated correctly and the code runs fine.
I also noticed that if I add multiple lines of the same criteria to the "Focus" sheet then the amount of rows deleted increases when I run the script.
I have pretty much narrowed it down to the actual EntireRow.Delete statement.
I am officially lost, hopefully someone has a better idea of what is happening.
I would appreciate your help!