Email archive macro amendment


New Member
Jun 10, 2014

I currently use the following Macro to save my emails to the server. When the macro saves the email (for an email I recieve) it gives it a file name of <project number <YYMMDD> <RECIPIENT INITIAL><SUBJECT>

I would like to add to this so that when I recieve an email it saves it as <project number <YYMMDD> <SENDER NAME> <RECIPIENT INITIAL><SUBJECT>

The sender name can just be the first part of the email address i suppose. If anyone has any ideas that would be great!

Here's the email macro in full:


Sub SaveAsMsgNew()
'Archives all messages in selected mail folder (except inbox)to a chosen folder location.
'Chosen folder saved to registry and recalled
'Categories checked for presence of "Archived" category, created if not.
'Category "Archived" applied to each message once archived.
'Message items already marked as archived are skipped.
'Message saved with ADMMIN req'd filename. "<proj no.> YYMMDD <user initials> -"
'<proj. no.> taken from mail folder name. Ensure mail folder has project number in name.
'<YYMMDD> taken from mail received date.
'<user initials> from logon name.
' requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' \Windows\System32\Scrrun.dll
' tools->references

Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strSaveName, strFoldername As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intRes As Integer
Dim i, j, iPos As Integer
Dim strUsr, strCompDate, strFn As String
Dim bRes
Dim strProjNo, pN As String
Dim iNoArch, iNoSkip As Integer

Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim Item As Object
Dim strDate, iCat

Dim bInOrOut As String
Dim bolCancel As Boolean

bolCancel = False

On Error GoTo saveitems_err
iNoArch = 0
iNoSkip = 0

Set Inbox = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
If Inbox.Name = "Inbox" Then
MsgBox "Archive cannot be performed on the Inbox. Select a subfolder to archive.", vbCritical
bolCancel = True
GoTo saveitems_exit
End If

'To keep registry key clean from inactive store locations, check when routine was last run.
'If date was greater than 1 year ago, call cleanStoreLocns routine to clean registry.

If fnChkRegCleanDate(Date) = True Then
End If

'Get Project Number from folder name
'Rev: Added tag for financial, confidential, etc in place of project number.
' Confidential - 99995 - "C"
' Financial - 99996 - "F"
' Marketing - 99997 - "M"
' Personnel - 99998 - "P"
' QA - 99999 - "Q"
'if one of these categories, skip save path to registry.

pN = altGetProjNo(Inbox.Name)
If pN = "err" Then GoTo saveitems_err

If Len(pN) > 1 Then
strProjNo = pN
strProjNo = pN
End If

' Select Save Path ------------------------------------------------------------
' store save location to registry. Prompt if user wants to use same destination
bRes = vbNo
strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", Inbox.Name, strFoldername)
If strFoldername <> "" Then
bRes = MsgBox("Click YES to save all items in this folder to: " & strFoldername & vbCr _
& vbCr & "Click NO to select a new save location.", vbYesNo, "Save To...")
End If

If bRes = vbNo Then 'if saveto folder is blank or user chosen to select new location, show folder browser
strFoldername = PickFolder(17)
End If

If strFoldername <> "" Then 'if folder name has been selected store in registry under project number
SaveSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn", Inbox.Name, strFoldername ' save setting to registry
End If

'get user name-------------------------------------------
strUsr = Environ("USERNAME")
If IsNumeric(Right((strUsr), 1)) Then
strUsr = Left(strUsr, Len(strUsr) - 1)
End If

strUsr = UCase(Right(strUsr, Len(strUsr) - 2))

' Check for validity of chosen folder & ensure path ends with a backslash-----
If Len(strFoldername) > 0 Then
If Right(strFoldername, 1) <> "\" Then
strFoldername = strFoldername & "\"
End If
'No folder chosen, or user cancelled
bolCancel = True
GoTo saveitems_exit
End If

strMsg = "Outlook will now save all items in this folder to " & vbCr & vbCr & strFoldername & vbCr & vbCr & _
" Click OK to continue." & vbCr & _
" Click CANCEL to abort."

intRes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & " ")

If intRes = vbOK Then 'if user clicks yes, continue with save macro
'Add data to subject line
'Load progress form / listbox
Load frmEArch
frmEArch.Height = 350
frmEArch.lbSummary.Visible = True
fnInitLog 'Initiate Log file
fnAppendLog ("Archiving: " & strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & " to " & strFoldername & vbCrLf)
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Archiving: " & strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & "...."
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem " to " & strFoldername
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem " "
'=======Check for, and Add, Category======
CreateCat ("Archived")

'initialise counter for progress form
j = 1
frmEArch.Show vbModeless

'For each mail item in the current folder---------------
For Each Item In Inbox.Items
If Not Item Is Nothing Then

'check whether item has been marked as archived
If chkForArch(Item, "Archived") = False Then ' if not archived, perform archive

'check for valid folder name------------------------

'Clean the file name of invalid characters
strSubject = CleanFileName(Item.Subject)
strDate = Format(Item.ReceivedTime, "YYMMDD")

'Check if subject title already has project number in
'Check for FW and RE at beginning of subject
'MsgBox strProjNo
strSubject = Replace(strSubject, "-", " ", 1, 1, vbTextCompare) 'removes hyphen between "CIV" and proj. no.

iPos = InStr(1, strSubject, strProjNo, vbTextCompare)
If Len(strProjNo) > 1 And iPos > 0 Then
'project number already in subject heading
strSubject = Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - iPos + 1)

If strSubject <> strProjNo Then
strCompDate = Left(Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - 1), 6)

If strCompDate <> strDate Then
'dates do not match, replace date
strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - Len(strDate) - 2)
End If
strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " "

End If

strFn = strSubject
strSaveName = strSubject & ".msg"

'name file with projectnumber-date-person-subject
strFn = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " " & strSubject
strSaveName = strFn & ".msg"

End If '*end if iPos

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
i = 1
If fso.FileExists(strFoldername & strSaveName) Then
'Check if file exists, if so add an integer identifier to the filename
strSaveName = strFn & "-" & i & ".msg"
i = i + 1
GoTo chk ' go back to check if new filename exists and increment identifier
End If
'save file as .msg file to path
Item.SaveAs strFoldername & strSaveName, olMSG
iNoArch = iNoArch + 1
'Add Archive Category to email
iCat = AddCat(Item, "Archived")

fnAppendLog (strSaveName) 'add filename to log file
'update listbox
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Arch:" & strSaveName
frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True

Else 'skip item if already archived
iNoSkip = iNoSkip + 1
'update listbox
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Skip:" & Item.Subject & vbTab
frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True
End If 'end of check for archived

End If 'end of IF block for item is nothing

j = j + 1 'increment counter
Set fso = Nothing
Next Item

fnAppendLog (vbCrLf & "--------------------" & vbCrLf & _
j - 1 - iNoSkip & " items archived." & vbCrLf & _
iNoSkip & " items skipped." & vbCrLf & _
"--------------------" & vbCrLf & _
j - 1 & " total items.")

'update listbox
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem " "
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "--------------------"
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem j - 1 - iNoSkip & " items archived."
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem iNoSkip & " items skipped."
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "--------------------"
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem j - 1 & " total items."
frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True
Else 'if user clicks cancel, jump to here!
bolCancel = True
End If
Set Item = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing

'message box with summary of archive operation
'MsgBox "File archive complete." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total number of messages archived = " & iNoArch & vbCrLf _
& "Total number of messages skipped = " & iNoSkip & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & iNoArch & " messages were archived to " & strFoldername, vbOKOnly, "Email Archive"
If bolCancel = False Then
frmEArch.cmdClose.Enabled = True


strSaveName = ""

frmEArch.Show vbModal
Unload frmEArch 'unload form
End If
Exit Sub

frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "ERROR: " & err.Number & ":" & err.Description
If strSaveName = "" Then
MsgBox "Folder name MUST contain the project number for the emails being archived.", vbCritical, "Error!"
'Log error message
fnAppendLog ("Error Description: " & err.Description & vbCrLf & _
"Date: " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf & _
"Filename: " & strSaveName)
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
& vbCrLf & "Macro Name: Save Folder Contents" _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & err.Description _
& vbCrLf & "Filename: " & strSaveName _
, vbCritical, "Error!"
End If
Resume saveitems_exit

End Sub
Function CleanFileName(strText As String) As String
Dim strStripChars As String
Dim intLen As Integer
Dim i As Integer

strStripChars = "/\[]:=," & Chr(34) & Chr(63)
intLen = Len(strStripChars)
strText = Trim(strText)
For i = 1 To intLen
strText = Replace(strText, Mid(strStripChars, i, 1), "")
If Len(strText) > 196 Then 'LIMIT LENGTH OF SUBJECT LINE TO 196 Characters.
strText = Left(strText, 196)
End If
CleanFileName = strText

End Function
Function AddCat(itm, catname)
Dim arr
Dim i As Integer
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
' item has categories
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
If Trim(arr(i)) = catname Then
' category already exists on item
' no need to add it
Exit Function
End If
itm.Categories = itm.Categories & "," & catname
' item has no categories
itm.Categories = catname
End If
End Function
Function chkForArch(itm, catname) As Boolean
Dim arr
Dim i As Integer
chkForArch = False
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
' item has categories
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
If Trim(arr(i)) = catname Then
' category already exists on item
chkForArch = True
End If
End If
End Function
Sub CreateCat(catname As String)
Dim namespace As namespace
Set namespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

Dim category As category
Dim strTemp

strTemp = GetSetting("EArch", "Category", "Archived")
If strTemp = "Added" Then
found = True
For Each category In namespace.Categories
If LCase(category.Name) = LCase(catname) Then
SaveSetting "Earch", "Category", "Archived", "Added"
found = True
category.Color = olCategoryColorDarkTeal
Exit For
End If
End If

If Not found Then
namespace.Categories.Add catname, olCategoryColorDarkGreen
SaveSetting "Earch", "Category", "Archived", "Added"
End If

Set category = Nothing
Set namespace = Nothing
End Sub

Function altGetProjNo(Phrase As String)
Dim Length_of_String As Integer
Dim Current_Pos As Integer
Dim temp As String
Dim iStart, iStop As Integer
iStart = InStr(1, Phrase, "<", 0)
iStop = InStr(1, Phrase, ">", 0) - iStart
If iStart = 0 Or iStop = 0 Then
altGetProjNo = "err"
Exit Function
altGetProjNo = Left((Right(Phrase, Len(Phrase) - iStart)), iStop - 1)
End If
Select Case altGetProjNo
Case Is = 99995
altGetProjNo = "C" 'Confidential
Case Is = 99996
altGetProjNo = "F" 'Financial
Case Is = 99997
altGetProjNo = "M" 'Marketing
Case Is = 99998
altGetProjNo = "P" 'Personnel
Case Is = 99999
altGetProjNo = "Q" 'QA
End Select

End Function

Function officeId(officeInitials As String)
Select Case LCase(officeInitials)
Case Is = "cf"
officeId = "CF"
Case Is = "bl"
officeId = "07"
'--------use following as template to add more office id's if required.----------
'case is = "xx"
'officeid = "xx"
Case Else
officeId = officeInitials
End Select
End Function
Function PickFolder(strStartDir As Variant) As String
Dim SA As Object, F As Object
Set SA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set F = SA.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0, strStartDir)
If (Not F Is Nothing) Then
PickFolder = F.Items.Item.Path
End If
Set F = Nothing
Set SA = Nothing
End Function
'*************************Log file functions*******************************************
Function fnInitLog()
'initiates log file.
'save log file for each month
Dim strLogFolder, sDate As String
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch"
fnChkDir (strLogFolder)
strLogFolder = strLogFolder & "\" & "earch" & DatePart("m", Date) & ".log"
On Error Resume Next
Open strLogFolder For Input As #1
Input #1, sDate
Close #1
If DatePart("yyyy", Date) > DatePart("yyyy", sDate) Then 'if log file was created last month, overwrite log
Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
Print #1, Date
Print #1, "*************" & Time & "*************"
Close #1
Else 'else append existing log file
Open strLogFolder For Append As #1
Print #1, "*************" & DatePart("d", Date) & "/" & DatePart("m", Date) & " - " & Time & "*************"
Close #1
End If
End Function
Function fnChkDir(strDirectory As String)
'Checks for presence of folder to store log file
'if not then create folder
Dim objFSO, objFolder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FolderExists("C:\temp\") = False Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder("C:\temp\")
End If
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) = False Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Function fnAppendLog(sMsg As String)
'Append log file with text passed using sMsg variable
Dim strLogFolder As String
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch\earch" & DatePart("m", Date) & ".log"

On Error Resume Next
Open strLogFolder For Append As #1
Print #1, sMsg
Close #1

End Function
'*************************[END]Log file functions[END]*******************************************

'**************************Clean registry entries sub********************************************
Function fnChkRegCleanDate(sDate As Date) As Boolean
'Check earch.dat file for date when reg clean was last run
'if time is greater than 1 year then reset date and pass "true" back to calling function
Dim sDate2 As String
Dim strLogFolder As String
fnChkRegCleanDate = False
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch\earch.dat"
On Error GoTo createdatfile
Open strLogFolder For Input As #1
Input #1, sDate2
Close #1
If DatePart("yyyy", sDate) > DatePart("yyyy", sDate2) Then
Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
Print #1, Date
Close #1
fnChkRegCleanDate = True
End If
Exit Function
createdatfile: 'file does not exist, or is corrupt. Re-write earch.dat file
'Debug.Print err.Number & ":" & err.Description
If err.Number = 76 Then 'Folder does not exist, create folder & file
fnChkDir ("C:\temp\earch\")
Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
Print #1, Date
Close #1
End If

If err.Number = 53 Or err.Number = 13 Then
Open strLogFolder For Output As #1 'file does not exist, create
Print #1, Date
Close #1
End If
GoTo chk
End Function
Sub CleanStorelocns()
'enumerates through inbox subfolders to check for presence of a store location registry entry
'deletes entire key where store locations are held in registry
'resets all valid store location registry entries

Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim Item, subItem As Object
Dim storeLoc(256) As Variant
Dim sFldName(256) As Variant
Dim strFoldername

Set Inbox = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
If Inbox.Name <> "Inbox" Then
On Error GoTo err:
Set Inbox = Inbox.Parent
GoTo chk_inbox
End If
i = 1

For Each Item In Inbox.Folders 'for every sub folder in inbox
For Each subItem In Item.Folders 'for every subfolder in subfolder
strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", subItem) 'get storelocation name if exists
If strFoldername <> "" Then
storeLoc(i) = strFoldername 'store in array for later use
sFldName(i) = subItem
i = i + 1
End If

strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", Item) 'get storelocation name if exists
If strFoldername <> "" Then
storeLoc(i) = strFoldername 'store in array for later use
sFldName(i) = Item
i = i + 1
End If

DeleteSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn" 'delete registry key

For j = 1 To i - 1
SaveSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn", sFldName(j), storeLoc(j) 'for every location in array, re-create registry key
Next j

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Ensure inbox is selected", vbOKOnly, "error"
End Sub
'**************************[END]Clean registry entries sub[END]********************************************
Sub lstSummary()

End Sub
Thanks. Unfortunately I didn't write this code and my VB skills are limited. Could you help with where that would be used in the macro?
Upvote 0
It's difficult to follow the structure of the code because you've posted it without CODE tags and therefore lost the indentation. Focus on the strSaveName variable. Possibly put this line before the Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):
strSaveName = Item.SenderName
and maybe delete other lines which assign strSaveName.
Upvote 0
Does this help?

Sub SaveAsMsgNew()
'   REVISION 6.11
'Archives all messages in selected mail folder (except inbox)to a chosen folder location.
'Chosen folder saved to registry and recalled
'Categories checked for presence of "Archived" category, created if not.
'Category "Archived" applied to each message once archived.
'Message items already marked as archived are skipped.
'Message saved with ADMMIN req'd filename. "<proj no.> YYMMDD <user initials> -"
'<proj. no.> taken from mail folder name. Ensure mail folder has project number in name.
'<YYMMDD> taken from mail received date.
'<user initials> from logon name.
    ' requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
    ' \Windows\System32\Scrrun.dll
    ' tools->references
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strSaveName, strFoldername As String
    Dim strMsg As String
    Dim intRes As Integer
    Dim i, j, iPos As Integer
    Dim strUsr, strCompDate, strFn As String
    Dim strSnder
    Dim bRes
    Dim strProjNo, pN As String
    Dim iNoArch, iNoSkip As Integer
    Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
    Dim Item As Object
    Dim strDate, iCat
    Dim bInOrOut As String
    Dim bolCancel As Boolean
    bolCancel = False
    On Error GoTo saveitems_err
    iNoArch = 0
    iNoSkip = 0
    Set Inbox = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
    If Inbox.Name = "Inbox" Then
        MsgBox "Archive cannot be performed on the Inbox. Select a subfolder to archive.", vbCritical
        bolCancel = True
        GoTo saveitems_exit
    End If
    'To keep registry key clean from inactive store locations, check when routine was last run.
    'If date was greater than 1 year ago, call cleanStoreLocns routine to clean registry.
    If fnChkRegCleanDate(Date) = True Then
    End If
    'Get Project Number from folder name
    'Rev: Added tag for financial, confidential, etc in place of project number.
    ' Confidential  -   99995   - "C"
    ' Financial     -   99996   - "F"
    ' Marketing     -   99997   - "M"
    ' Personnel     -   99998   - "P"
    ' QA            -   99999   - "Q"
    'if one of these categories, skip save path to registry.
    pN = altGetProjNo(Inbox.Name)
    If pN = "err" Then GoTo saveitems_err
    If Len(pN) > 1 Then
        strProjNo = pN
        strProjNo = pN
    End If
        ' Select Save Path ------------------------------------------------------------
        ' store save location to registry. Prompt if user wants to use same destination
         bRes = vbNo
         strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", Inbox.Name, strFoldername)
         If strFoldername <> "" Then
             bRes = MsgBox("Click YES to save all items in this folder to: " & strFoldername & vbCr _
                             & vbCr & "Click NO to select a new save location.", vbYesNo, "Save To...")
         End If
         If bRes = vbNo Then 'if saveto folder is blank or user chosen to select new location, show folder browser
             strFoldername = PickFolder(17)
         End If
         If strFoldername <> "" Then 'if folder name has been selected store in registry under project number
             SaveSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn", Inbox.Name, strFoldername ' save setting to registry
         End If
    'get user name-------------------------------------------
    strUsr = Environ("USERNAME")
    If IsNumeric(Right((strUsr), 1)) Then
        strUsr = Left(strUsr, Len(strUsr) - 1)
    End If
    strUsr = UCase(Right(strUsr, Len(strUsr) - 2))
    ' Check for validity of chosen folder & ensure path ends with a backslash-----
    If Len(strFoldername) > 0 Then
        If Right(strFoldername, 1) <> "\" Then
            strFoldername = strFoldername & "\"
        End If
        'No folder chosen, or user cancelled
        bolCancel = True
        GoTo saveitems_exit
    End If
    strMsg = "Outlook will now save all items in this folder to " & vbCr & vbCr & strFoldername & vbCr & vbCr & _
                     " Click OK to continue." & vbCr & _
                     " Click CANCEL to abort."
    intRes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & " ")
If intRes = vbOK Then 'if user clicks yes, continue with save macro
'Add data to subject line
'Load progress form / listbox
Load frmEArch
frmEArch.Height = 350
frmEArch.lbSummary.Visible = True
fnInitLog 'Initiate Log file
fnAppendLog ("Archiving: " & strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & " to " & strFoldername & vbCrLf)
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Archiving: " & strProjNo & " yymmdd " & strUsr & "...."
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "  to " & strFoldername
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "     "
'=======Check for, and Add, Category======
CreateCat ("Archived")
'initialise counter for progress form
j = 1
frmEArch.Show vbModeless

    'For each mail item in the current folder---------------
    For Each Item In Inbox.Items
    If Not Item Is Nothing Then
        'check whether item has been marked as archived
        If chkForArch(Item, "Archived") = False Then ' if not archived, perform archive
        'check for valid folder name------------------------
            'Clean the file name of invalid characters
            strSubject = CleanFileName(Item.Subject)
            strDate = Format(Item.ReceivedTime, "YYMMDD")
            'Check if subject title already has project number in
            'Check for FW and RE at beginning of subject
            'MsgBox strProjNo
            strSubject = Replace(strSubject, "-", " ", 1, 1, vbTextCompare) 'removes hyphen between "CIV" and proj. no.
            iPos = InStr(1, strSubject, strProjNo, vbTextCompare)
            If Len(strProjNo) > 1 And iPos > 0 Then
                    'project number already in subject heading
                    strSubject = Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - iPos + 1)
                    If strSubject <> strProjNo Then
                        strCompDate = Left(Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - 1), 6)
                        If strCompDate <> strDate Then
                        'dates do not match, replace date
                            strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - Len(strDate) - 2)
                        End If
                        strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " "
                    End If
                strFn = strSubject
                strSaveName = strSubject & ".msg"
                'name file with projectnumber-date-person-subject
                strFn = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " " & strSubject
                strSaveName = strFn & ".msg"
            End If '*end if iPos
                Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
i = 1
                   If fso.FileExists(strFoldername & strSaveName) Then
                        'Check if file exists, if so add an integer identifier to the filename
                        strSaveName = strFn & "-" & i & ".msg"
                        i = i + 1
                        GoTo chk ' go back to check if new filename exists and increment identifier
                    End If
               'save file as .msg file to path
               Item.SaveAs strFoldername & strSaveName, olMSG
               iNoArch = iNoArch + 1
               'Add Archive Category to email
               iCat = AddCat(Item, "Archived")
               fnAppendLog (strSaveName) 'add filename to log file
               'update listbox
               frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Arch:" & strSaveName
               frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True
        Else 'skip item if already archived
            iNoSkip = iNoSkip + 1
            'update listbox
            frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "Skip:" & Item.Subject & vbTab
            frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True
        End If 'end of check for archived
    End If 'end of IF block for item is nothing
    j = j + 1 'increment counter
    Set fso = Nothing
    Next Item
   fnAppendLog (vbCrLf & "--------------------" & vbCrLf & _
                j - 1 - iNoSkip & " items archived." & vbCrLf & _
                iNoSkip & " items skipped." & vbCrLf & _
                "--------------------" & vbCrLf & _
                j - 1 & " total items.")
   'update listbox
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "   "
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "--------------------"
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem j - 1 - iNoSkip & " items archived."
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem iNoSkip & " items skipped."
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "--------------------"
   frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem j - 1 & " total items."
   frmEArch.lbSummary.Selected(frmEArch.lbSummary.ListCount - 1) = True
Else 'if user clicks cancel, jump to here!
   bolCancel = True
End If
   Set Item = Nothing
   Set ns = Nothing
    'message box with summary of archive operation
    'MsgBox "File archive complete." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total number of messages archived = " & iNoArch & vbCrLf _
        & "Total number of messages skipped = " & iNoSkip & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & iNoArch & " messages were archived to " & strFoldername, vbOKOnly, "Email Archive"
    If bolCancel = False Then
        frmEArch.cmdClose.Enabled = True
        strSaveName = ""
        frmEArch.Show vbModal
        Unload frmEArch 'unload form
    End If
   Exit Sub
frmEArch.lbSummary.AddItem "ERROR: " & err.Number & ":" & err.Description
If strSaveName = "" Then
    MsgBox "Folder name MUST contain the project number for the emails being archived.", vbCritical, "Error!"
    'Log error message
   fnAppendLog ("Error Description: " & err.Description & vbCrLf & _
                "Date: " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf & _
                "Filename: " & strSaveName)
   MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
      & vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
      & vbCrLf & "Macro Name: Save Folder Contents" _
      & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & err.Number _
      & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & err.Description _
      & vbCrLf & "Filename: " & strSaveName _
      , vbCritical, "Error!"
End If
   Resume saveitems_exit
End Sub
Function CleanFileName(strText As String) As String
    Dim strStripChars As String
    Dim intLen As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    strStripChars = "/\[]:=," & Chr(34) & Chr(63)
    intLen = Len(strStripChars)
    strText = Trim(strText)
    For i = 1 To intLen
        strText = Replace(strText, Mid(strStripChars, i, 1), "")
    If Len(strText) > 196 Then 'LIMIT LENGTH OF SUBJECT LINE TO 196 Characters.
        strText = Left(strText, 196)
    End If
    CleanFileName = strText
End Function
Function AddCat(itm, catname)
Dim arr
Dim i As Integer
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
    ' item has categories
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
        If Trim(arr(i)) = catname Then
        ' category already exists on item
        ' no need to add it
            Exit Function
        End If
    itm.Categories = itm.Categories & "," & catname
    ' item has no categories
    itm.Categories = catname
End If
End Function
Function chkForArch(itm, catname) As Boolean
Dim arr
Dim i As Integer
chkForArch = False
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
    ' item has categories
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
        If Trim(arr(i)) = catname Then
        ' category already exists on item
            chkForArch = True
        End If
End If
End Function
Sub CreateCat(catname As String)
    Dim namespace As namespace
    Set namespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Dim found As Boolean
    found = False
    Dim category As category
    Dim strTemp
    strTemp = GetSetting("EArch", "Category", "Archived")
    If strTemp = "Added" Then
        found = True
        For Each category In namespace.Categories
            If LCase(category.Name) = LCase(catname) Then
                SaveSetting "Earch", "Category", "Archived", "Added"
                found = True
                category.Color = olCategoryColorDarkTeal
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
    If Not found Then
        namespace.Categories.Add catname, olCategoryColorDarkGreen
        SaveSetting "Earch", "Category", "Archived", "Added"
    End If
    Set category = Nothing
    Set namespace = Nothing
End Sub

Function altGetProjNo(Phrase As String)
Dim Length_of_String As Integer
Dim Current_Pos As Integer
Dim temp As String
Dim iStart, iStop As Integer
iStart = InStr(1, Phrase, "<", 0)
iStop = InStr(1, Phrase, ">", 0) - iStart
If iStart = 0 Or iStop = 0 Then
    altGetProjNo = "err"
    Exit Function
    altGetProjNo = Left((Right(Phrase, Len(Phrase) - iStart)), iStop - 1)
End If
Select Case altGetProjNo
    Case Is = 99995
        altGetProjNo = "C" 'Confidential
    Case Is = 99996
        altGetProjNo = "F" 'Financial
    Case Is = 99997
        altGetProjNo = "M" 'Marketing
    Case Is = 99998
        altGetProjNo = "P" 'Personnel
    Case Is = 99999
        altGetProjNo = "Q" 'QA
End Select
End Function

Function officeId(officeInitials As String)
Select Case LCase(officeInitials)
    Case Is = "cf"
        officeId = "CF"
    Case Is = "bl"
        officeId = "07"
    '--------use following as template to add more office id's if required.----------
    'case is = "xx"
        'officeid = "xx"
    Case Else
        officeId = officeInitials
End Select
End Function
Function PickFolder(strStartDir As Variant) As String
    Dim SA As Object, F As Object
    Set SA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set F = SA.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0, strStartDir)
    If (Not F Is Nothing) Then
        PickFolder = F.Items.Item.Path
    End If
    Set F = Nothing
    Set SA = Nothing
End Function
'*************************Log file functions*******************************************
Function fnInitLog()
'initiates log file.
'save log file for each month
Dim strLogFolder, sDate As String
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch"
fnChkDir (strLogFolder)
strLogFolder = strLogFolder & "\" & "earch" & DatePart("m", Date) & ".log"
On Error Resume Next
Open strLogFolder For Input As #1
    Input #1, sDate
Close #1
If DatePart("yyyy", Date) > DatePart("yyyy", sDate) Then 'if log file was created last month, overwrite log
    Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
        Print #1, Date
        Print #1, "*************" & Time & "*************"
    Close #1
Else                  'else append existing log file
    Open strLogFolder For Append As #1
        Print #1, "*************" & DatePart("d", Date) & "/" & DatePart("m", Date) & " - " & Time & "*************"
    Close #1
End If
End Function
Function fnChkDir(strDirectory As String)
'Checks for presence of folder to store log file
'if not then create folder
Dim objFSO, objFolder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FolderExists("C:\temp\") = False Then
   Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder("C:\temp\")
End If
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) = False Then
   Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Function fnAppendLog(sMsg As String)
'Append log file with text passed using sMsg variable
Dim strLogFolder As String
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch\earch" & DatePart("m", Date) & ".log"
  On Error Resume Next
  Open strLogFolder For Append As #1
    Print #1, sMsg
  Close #1
End Function
'*************************[END]Log file functions[END]*******************************************

'**************************Clean registry entries sub********************************************
Function fnChkRegCleanDate(sDate As Date) As Boolean
'Check earch.dat file for date when reg clean was last run
'if time is greater than 1 year then reset date and pass "true" back to calling function
Dim sDate2 As String
Dim strLogFolder As String
fnChkRegCleanDate = False
strLogFolder = "C:\temp\earch\earch.dat"
On Error GoTo createdatfile
Open strLogFolder For Input As #1
     Input #1, sDate2
Close #1
  If DatePart("yyyy", sDate) > DatePart("yyyy", sDate2) Then
      Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
        Print #1, Date
      Close #1
      fnChkRegCleanDate = True
  End If
Exit Function
createdatfile: 'file does not exist, or is corrupt. Re-write earch.dat file
    'Debug.Print err.Number & ":" & err.Description
    If err.Number = 76 Then 'Folder does not exist, create folder & file
        fnChkDir ("C:\temp\earch\")
        Open strLogFolder For Output As #1
            Print #1, Date
        Close #1
    End If
    If err.Number = 53 Or err.Number = 13 Then
     Open strLogFolder For Output As #1 'file does not exist, create
      Print #1, Date
     Close #1
    End If
    GoTo chk
End Function
Sub CleanStorelocns()
'enumerates through inbox subfolders to check for presence of a store location registry entry
'deletes entire key where store locations are held in registry
'resets all valid store location registry entries
    Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
    Dim Item, subItem As Object
    Dim storeLoc(256) As Variant
    Dim sFldName(256) As Variant
    Dim strFoldername
    Set Inbox = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
    If Inbox.Name <> "Inbox" Then
        On Error GoTo err:
        Set Inbox = Inbox.Parent
        GoTo chk_inbox
    End If
    i = 1
    For Each Item In Inbox.Folders 'for every sub folder in inbox
        For Each subItem In Item.Folders 'for every subfolder in subfolder
            strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", subItem)   'get storelocation name if exists
            If strFoldername <> "" Then
                storeLoc(i) = strFoldername                             'store in array for later use
                sFldName(i) = subItem
                i = i + 1
            End If
        strFoldername = GetSetting("EArch", "StoreLocn", Item) 'get storelocation name if exists
        If strFoldername <> "" Then
            storeLoc(i) = strFoldername                         'store in array for later use
            sFldName(i) = Item
            i = i + 1
        End If
    DeleteSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn"                          'delete registry key
    For j = 1 To i - 1
         SaveSetting "EArch", "StoreLocn", sFldName(j), storeLoc(j) 'for every location in array, re-create registry key
    Next j
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Ensure inbox is selected", vbOKOnly, "error"
End Sub
'**************************[END]Clean registry entries sub[END]********************************************
Sub lstSummary()

End Sub
Upvote 0
Yes it helps, but have you tried my suggestion? Set a breakpoint (F9 key in VBA editor) on the new line and run the code (F5 key) and step through the code (F8 key) line by line to see if it works.
Upvote 0
Thanks, I put that piece of code in however it just saved the file as the sender name and missed out the rest of the details, also it didn't save as a msg file
Upvote 0
 <user initials=""><yymmdd><user initials="">
            'Clean the file name of invalid characters
            strSubject = CleanFileName(Item.Subject)
            strDate = Format(Item.ReceivedTime, "YYMMDD")
            'Check if subject title already has project number in
            'Check for FW and RE at beginning of subject
            'MsgBox strProjNo
            strSubject = Replace(strSubject, "-", " ", 1, 1, vbTextCompare) 'removes hyphen between "CIV" and proj. no.
            iPos = InStr(1, strSubject, strProjNo, vbTextCompare)
            If Len(strProjNo) > 1 And iPos > 0 Then
                    'project number already in subject heading
                    strSubject = Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - iPos + 1)
                    If strSubject <> strProjNo Then
                        strCompDate = Left(Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - 1), 6)
                        If strCompDate <> strDate Then
                        'dates do not match, replace date
                            strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & Right(strSubject, Len(strSubject) - Len(strProjNo) - Len(strDate) - 2)
                        End If
                        strSubject = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " "
                    End If
                strFn = strSubject
                strSaveName = strSubject & ".msg"
                'name file with projectnumber-date-person-subject
                strFn = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " " & strSubject
                strSaveName = strFn & ".msg"
            End If '*end if iPos
        strFn = Item.SenderName
        strSaveName = Item.SenderName & ".msg"
Not tested, but this may make redundant other lines which dealt with the previous method of </user></yymmdd></user>assigning the save as file name.
Upvote 0
Thanks for the help, I've just noticed that when I posted the original question it's missed out some of the text, not sure how that happened? anyway, it should of read:

I currently use the following Macro to save my emails to the server. When the macro saves the email (for an email I recieve) it gives it a file name of
-project number--YYMMDD--User Initial--Subject-<recipient INITIAL=""><subject>

I would like to add to this so that when I recieve an email it saves it as
-Project Number--YYMMDD--SENDER INITIAL/NAME--User Initial--Subject-

<recipient INITIAL=""><subject>Sorry for the confusion, i think it missed out the text last time because i wrapped each part in <>? Anyway that's off topic
Upvote 0
No confusion here. My answers were based on your original request:
<recipient initial=""><subject>
I would like to add to this so that when I recieve an email it saves it as
<SENDER NAME><recipient initial=""><subject>
<user initials="">
<yymmdd><user initials="">
It helps if you accurately post your question in the first place.

Based on your latest post, try including Item.SenderName on these lines:
                strFn = strSubject
                strSaveName = strSubject & ".msg"
                'name file with projectnumber-date-person-subject
                strFn = strProjNo & " " & strDate & " " & strUsr & " " & strSubject
                strSaveName = strFn & ".msg"
As previously suggested, try debugging the code with F9 and F8 keys.

Upvote 0

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