The senario I have is that I want to have a formula calculate even when there is a blank cell in the calculation.
I have 3 canned reports that I drop into excel & format. From there I have a summary by description worksheet with vlookups & a calculation of all 3 reports.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C20,'CPR240 - B'!$J:$K,2,FALSE),"")
Calculation (here is where I am getting the #value error)
I know the easiest thing to do would be to change the vlookup to return 0 instead of blank but I don't want it to be confused with something that is actually a zero dollar value. I would rather have it blank or something else you can suggest because this will show us that one of the reports is missing that field & we can log an incident with our group to have it updated. In the meantime I still need it to return a dollar value based on the other non-blank cells.
Appreciate any assistance.
The senario I have is that I want to have a formula calculate even when there is a blank cell in the calculation.
I have 3 canned reports that I drop into excel & format. From there I have a summary by description worksheet with vlookups & a calculation of all 3 reports.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C20,'CPR240 - B'!$J:$K,2,FALSE),"")
Calculation (here is where I am getting the #value error)
I know the easiest thing to do would be to change the vlookup to return 0 instead of blank but I don't want it to be confused with something that is actually a zero dollar value. I would rather have it blank or something else you can suggest because this will show us that one of the reports is missing that field & we can log an incident with our group to have it updated. In the meantime I still need it to return a dollar value based on the other non-blank cells.
Appreciate any assistance.