If your column is in A:A starting A1,
=IFERROR((IF(FIND("(",A1)>0,"")),"( Missing")&IFERROR((IF(FIND(")",A1)>0,""))," ) Missing")
Hi W8253, If the cell is empty or with any text without the "()" the return is "(missing) Missing" It would be better for me if only look for open or close parenthesis.
There is one problem your formula, it will not identify a backward matching pair (it will return the empty text string "" for that condition). What I mean by backward matching is, in its simplest form (you can ugly it up by adding several properly matching pairs)...Give this a try:
=LOOKUP(SIGN(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"(",""))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,")",""))),{-1,0,1},{"Missing )","","Missing ("})
Function CheckParen(ByVal S As String) As String
Dim X As Long
For X = 1 To Len(S)
If Mid(S, X, 1) Like "[!()]" Then Mid(S, X) = " "
S = Replace(S, " ", "")
Do While Len(S) > 1 And S Like "*()*"
S = Replace(S, "()", "")
If S = ")(" Then
CheckParen = "Backward"
ElseIf Len(S) Then
CheckParen = "Missing " & Choose(InStr("()", S), ")", "(")
End If
End Function