Hi - quick question. Is there an better way to sum all rows for col-A * col-D other than the two ways I list below? By better, I mean both easier to enter, manually as a formula below the data, and possible faster, as far as clock ticks (do any methods calculate faster, basically). I can:
1. Enter a formula like "=A1*D1+A2*D2+A3*D3...A
" First time, ugh, but never again....
2. Add a column outside of the data area that calculates each multiplication, total that column and
return the total to the visible (printable) part of the sheet. Most obvious, but prefer to avoid the
extra column.
Just interested if there is a better way for future endeavors. Thanks in advance!
1. Enter a formula like "=A1*D1+A2*D2+A3*D3...A

2. Add a column outside of the data area that calculates each multiplication, total that column and
return the total to the visible (printable) part of the sheet. Most obvious, but prefer to avoid the
extra column.
Just interested if there is a better way for future endeavors. Thanks in advance!
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