I have a macro enabled workbook that is used to manage room(3) allocations. I would now like to upload to a google calendar. I understand that goggle calendar requires a .csv file format. The main worksheet, Year 2019, is made up of many rows for the complete year (>2500) e.g.
to 31Jan19
to 31Dec19
Each day of month e.g. 01Jan19, may have repeated one or more entries (depending on room allocations)
The main column headings are ;
start date - subject - who booked - start time - end time - description
example year 2019 sheet
01Jan19 - subject 1 - fred - 0900 - 1100 - meeting 1
01Jan19 - subject 2 - Mary - 1200-1400 - meeting 2
01Jan19 - subject 3 - Harry - 0900-1100 - meeting 3
01Jan19 - subject 4 - John - 1400-1600 - meeting 4
02apr19 - subject 1 - fred - 0900 - 1100 - meeting 1
02apr19 - subject 2 - Mary - 1200-1400 - meeting 2
31Nov19 - subject 3 - Harry - 0900-1100 - meeting 1
When I update / create a new entry in the Year 2019 sheet I would like a process (formula?), to automatically update a .csv file, one for each month of the year, which would then be ready for importing into a goggle calendar. I would only update the goggle calendar for those months that have changes in them.
I understand that google calendar requires a .csv file with row headings of;
subject - start date - start time - end date- end time - all day event - description - location - private
As always I thank you in anticipation for your time and effort
to 31Jan19
to 31Dec19
Each day of month e.g. 01Jan19, may have repeated one or more entries (depending on room allocations)
The main column headings are ;
start date - subject - who booked - start time - end time - description
example year 2019 sheet
01Jan19 - subject 1 - fred - 0900 - 1100 - meeting 1
01Jan19 - subject 2 - Mary - 1200-1400 - meeting 2
01Jan19 - subject 3 - Harry - 0900-1100 - meeting 3
01Jan19 - subject 4 - John - 1400-1600 - meeting 4
02apr19 - subject 1 - fred - 0900 - 1100 - meeting 1
02apr19 - subject 2 - Mary - 1200-1400 - meeting 2
31Nov19 - subject 3 - Harry - 0900-1100 - meeting 1
When I update / create a new entry in the Year 2019 sheet I would like a process (formula?), to automatically update a .csv file, one for each month of the year, which would then be ready for importing into a goggle calendar. I would only update the goggle calendar for those months that have changes in them.
I understand that google calendar requires a .csv file with row headings of;
subject - start date - start time - end date- end time - all day event - description - location - private
As always I thank you in anticipation for your time and effort