This is probably very simple, but I have tried combinations as well as looking up other posts and I haven’t figured it out yet.
I have several sum-product formulas summing vertically from the first row to the last row in a coulmn. The number of rows will be ever growing. When I put a range of B1:B25000, it takes so long to calculate so I wanted to shorten the length of the range. Since I will have varying amount of columns also, I didn’t think that creating a dynamic range in each column was practical. What I did was create a dynamic last row called “LastRow”. Using the formula ="b"&ROW(LastRow) will return the address of the column and last row. What I can’t seem to get is how to use this in a range. For a simple example, summing the contents of column “B”. I have tried SUM(B1&":"&"B"&ROW(LastRow)) and SUM(D1:"D"&ROW(LastRow)), but neither work. Am I going at this completely wrong, or is there a way to use the range name in this way?
I have several sum-product formulas summing vertically from the first row to the last row in a coulmn. The number of rows will be ever growing. When I put a range of B1:B25000, it takes so long to calculate so I wanted to shorten the length of the range. Since I will have varying amount of columns also, I didn’t think that creating a dynamic range in each column was practical. What I did was create a dynamic last row called “LastRow”. Using the formula ="b"&ROW(LastRow) will return the address of the column and last row. What I can’t seem to get is how to use this in a range. For a simple example, summing the contents of column “B”. I have tried SUM(B1&":"&"B"&ROW(LastRow)) and SUM(D1:"D"&ROW(LastRow)), but neither work. Am I going at this completely wrong, or is there a way to use the range name in this way?