So here is my code
The If statement line gives me a 91 error. Simply right now i'm trying to allocate several squares in the sheet to be cells that when clicked will copy to your clipboard automatically. I can do 1 range easy but now i need to make it a little more advanced.
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 'single click version
Range("J3:J32").Interior.Color = RGB(200, 160, 35)
Range("K3:K3").Interior.Color = RGB(200, 160, 35)
If Intersect(Target, Range("J3")) Or Intersect(Target, Range("J4")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
End Sub
The If statement line gives me a 91 error. Simply right now i'm trying to allocate several squares in the sheet to be cells that when clicked will copy to your clipboard automatically. I can do 1 range easy but now i need to make it a little more advanced.