i have different clients i represent. each with there own workbook, each client a different specialty but same field.
in each book (all the same layout) i input, bills and payments rcvd, etc and also generate different correspondence, depending on the items billed, and status.
i address all my correspondence to different insurance company's. (source book). the ins company are all the same for each client. i would like a central excel book for ins companies, located on the same server and folder as the other books. and then have a drop down in each client book.
we have about 30 different clients, each client has 1000's of bills, and 20 different correspondence letters.
we share all these workbooks, on a network server.
1 person can open a book at a time for editing (others can read-only) per client and work in it.
we have someone entering new bills, or another person entering payments, in another book. or following up, in a third book, printing a correspondence in a fourth,etc
susie is working on client ABC book and wants to send a correspondence to the ins co. , she opens ABC's book and the source book for insurance co. address. and makes her letters.
mean while
mary wants work on client EFG book and wants to send a correspondence to the ins co, she opens EFG's book and the source book and makes her letters.
one will have the original source open , the other will open a read-only source book.
will this cause errors in excel?